Alright, no.
Incorrect. This is all wrong. You're f**king stupid.
One, I'd like to point out Jared Leto's acting is mid. He's not terrible, but he's not amazing either. I think he's a funny, sure. Also definitely a huge freak irl (n0t in a good way.), but he's nothing god-like in acting, I don't think. If M o r b i u s was his biggest role .-. he's a f**king failure.
Two, the whole movie felt incomplete. From Matt Smith's villan role or the romance between Morbius and Martine, , , why was he a villan? The way the movie portrayed it, it seemed like he was just sUddenly evil. It never explained his motives. There was no depth. As for the lovey-dovey part of the story, there was nO romance build up,, it was just simply e m p t y , and I despise that.
Three, the special effects were..... s o mid. Their mOnster faces were . . . I'm so sorry but . . their moNster faces were an utter shitshow. But some small details were nice. Some.
Four, Morbius had a f**king 74% drop in sales - which, mind you, is the second worst sales drop for a superhero movie. Now, if you've been keeping up, Sony hasn't necessarily been bOOming with this sorta shit. Morbius literally flopped two f**king times in the theatre's,,,,, the first time was bEfore it became as big of an internet meme as it is now, the second time being much more recently - the only reason it even aired again is BECAUSE of the memes that have been circulating around the media. And it didn't even one million f**king dollars , , , I forgot the exact amount it made in the cinema's, but the point is, it failed.
Five, you need to understand - the memes are solely based off of irony. Making jokes to exaggerate how good the movie actually is, is a form of comedy, I guess. It brought this shitshow of a movie back to life, sure. But it didn't make the production any better.