mr incredible phases origins; This image comes from the book"The art of incredibles"; This instead is from a guy named"Natham Shipley" on twitter; Realistic mr incredible by "Natham Shipley" on twitter with black blood on his eyes; Realistic mr incredible by Natham Shipley on twitter
With more contrast and low brightness(Also blacked out eye); With Derrick Todd Lee pasted over(High contrast and brightness); Same with black eyes; Eyes and mouth blacked out with eyes from "scared eyes in the dark"; With Derrick Todd Lee pasted over(high contrast,low brightness,blacked eyes,and also squashed mouth). Lowest brightness and very high contrast but not max; Maximum contrast,low brightness andstretched nose; With Skull face pasted over; Red with max contrast,low brightness,grayscale on paper and liquify effect; Red with max contrast low brightness,grayscale on paper and liquify effect(Eyes are from Scared eyes in the dark; Trollge gif(Edited to make it look sad); probably from a trollge incident; Image:ahenobarbus genocied high contrast and normal brightness; Red wojak with red filter and radial blur; From the First trollge incident(in tthe video); Image:Troll face.exe; Skull mask pasted over; For this one it was kinda hard,but i did it.You can go on FaceApp and enable the long hair filter for mr.incredible; This is Crying Radio Man from Goose Boose's video; "Hunger" by Frederick Andreasson