Now that, my good sir, is rude. It’s okay to be wrong, to some people, but you are constantly just a annoying fatherless pest, who can’t seem to touch grass enough to stay out of a argument.
Yeah I know, I'm not dumb
I've had this same exact thing happen to me before, where someone claims your meme is a repost but really you just thought up an idea and it turned out there was already a meme on it
Just because you think it’s not, doesn’t mean it’s not. You, my sir, look like a fool. You can’t seem to realize I saw the same meme on the front page. I saw it with my very eyes
I don't care if it's rude or not!
You need to face life and acknowledge that it's tough!
And you're the fatherless dumpster that needs to touch grass yourself!
I touch grass many times daily (for me living on a farm)
Bro dead ass lives on a farm, and still argues with people, if you lived on a farm, you’d know what work is, clearly you don’t because you’re on your ass arguing with someone online
He's not even saying it word for word!
But your too inexperienced to even get the fun stream rules
You can post something the same idea but not word for word or else it would be plagiarism