You ever notice what a Nice Guy, Rick Astley is in this song?
Hear me out on this.
80s teen rom com comes to mind with this song. Light, sweet, catchy.. right? Wrong. So wrong.
Date rapey stalker vibes.
The evidence.
'We're no strangers to love'
.. did not say it was for each other. Never even mentions she's ever glanced at him.
'You know the (implied) rules And so do I..'
The rules i have set. Never spoken out loud but will hold you too. Judge you on.. find you wanting..
You know who else does that? Murderous creepily obsessed Stalkers.
'A full commitment is what I'm thinking of.. you wouldn't get this from any other guy'
translation.. other men play games, I'm the only one who will want to commit to you. EVER. I'm already committed to you, even before you have asked me to be.
'Never gonna say goodbye'... because even if you stop talking to me, I will watch all your social media and tag you in stuff until your flesh crawls
I am unlike those other guys who will 'run around and hurt you...' and I'm 'never gonna make you cry'
however I will white knight any purveyors of a slight against you and thus in my mind build up this imaginary relationship into something you are beholden to because I've already looked after you.
I've proven myself.
You should settle for me.
You. Owe. Me.
'I just want to tell you how I'm feeling, try to make you understand'
Presumably in your DMs at midnight.
Or With his back against the door which just so happens to be the only exit...
after he sees you with someone else, hand on the wrist, slowly tightening..
And the most compelling piece of evidence..
'And if you ask me how I'm feeling Don't tell me you're too blind to see'
So many things we could draw from that, I'm not even sure where to start.
Best guy friend who is actually just waiting to get you on the rebound and will start with the abusive language when you turn him down
I've been here all the time, why won't you notice my creepy stalker attentions
+hugely implied overtones of ' i love you.. I know you love me! You've been leading me on for years.'
and more
And so jury, I set my case before you.
Rick Astley ain't ever gonna give You up, he's going to peel your skin off and wear it.