CONTSERVATIVE PARTEE GUIDE TO SOLVING [INSERT CRISIS.]; 1: Find a crisis. Can't find one? No worries. The Media or your friends in the 2nd world can create one for you! 2: Print money. Remember the Democrat motto: there is no problem that can't be solved with other people's money! 5: Blame resulting inflation on US businesses & repeat. Remember! Only you can combat the evils of the western economy! 3: Destroy US based jobs. Covid-19? Shut down US businesses. "Climate change?" Shut down US businesses. War in the 2nd world? Shut down US energy production, jack up domestic energy costs and cause a recession [this will shut down US businesses! Now you're getting it!]; 4: Send money to other countries. People ask: why does the US continue to send foriegn aid to China after covid19? Shouldn't they be sending us money? Of course not! How would other countries sending the US money shut down US businesses?