well there are 2 things about America.
1. Its a free country
2. The government is corrupt
The government wants to have power over us. They want to rule the country. But they can't because America is a free country. We have the right to own guns, the right to say whatever we want, and basically protected by all of the amendments. Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Barack Obama, Bernie Sanders, and lots of others agree with this. And when George Washington became the first president he made America independent to stop people like them from turning it into a Kingdom. Kingdoms have queens and kings who boss everybody in the Country around. This also explains the national crisises happening now. Food prices, gas prices, everything is going up. Why? Because the Government wants us to rely on them! And what happens when we actually NEED the government? We lose our freedom.
Donald Trump took a stand against all this crap. He used his 4 years as president to bring back freedom to the Country and Make America Great Again.
People who are Anti-Trump don't want a free country. They want the Government to rule over America. The reason they hate his guts is because he simply disagreed with the government ruling over us.