having an amazing relationship, youre both happy, they are the one; still amazing; still very amazing; still amazing; you notice some changes, but the relationship is still amazing; things still go well; still going well; you both do something stupid in a public place and things still go well; both of you are slightly fearful but continue on; your parents call you to living room; they confront you about the stupid thing you and your partner did; you are both forced apart; you cry yourself to sleep for 3 weeks; you finally go back to school and try again in secret; you find out they cheated on you close to your one year anniversary; they stay with the person; you cant be around your friends without breaking down; they come to you and apologize, but the 2 weeks trying again together is cold and distant; they break it off; they date your closest friend and he didn't even ask you first; every sight of them makes the pain worse; you don't eat, sleep or talk to anyone; every attempt at friendship makes everything worse; the pain never goes away, every sight or mention of their name makes you bitter and cold, you wish to stop hating them but the betrayal is worse then anything imaginable and you arent the same as you were