Stormbringer: *in your mind you hear him say: “yes, I can read minds. Just keep this to yourself, you deserve to know.” it doesn’t appear that Blizzard got a message sent directly to their mind, and weird that he did send one because he isn’t quite that skilled.*
By the way, Ivy is trying to find a way to get back to Pantala, (that’s the continent name right?) to save the remaining dragons there not infected by some mind controlling plant, or at least that’s what she said anyway. We overheard that some new dragons had moved onto the continent near Sanctuary, we sent Inferna to look and make sure it was Ivy’s tribe before attempting anything. That’s why I came here to get you so we could have some idea of where we’re supposed to go and how we’re getting over there.
Blizzard: you are asking the wrong dragon if you want to find a way over. I spent half the trip unconscious on an iceberg with a poor seawing who was afraid I was going to die. From what I did see, it looked like there could be a chain of islands stretching from our continent to theirs.
*Stormbringer actually steps forward and walks towards you two, for the first time, he’s been within a few feet of an icewing, it seems like he’s gained some confidence*
Stormbringer: thank you. And nice to meet you Mistral, I better fly back. *he takes off*