Weird facts; Life is like a box of chocolate. You'll never know what's going to happen next... There are 7.95 billion people living on Earth as of May 15, 2022. As you read this, you're getting closer to death. Horned lizards shoot blood out of their eyes as a defense mechanism. COVID-19 is often mistaken as a common cold or flu. We're cutting down 5 billion trees every year and only 2 billion are being planted every year. If we keep cutting down trees at this rate, in 1,000 years, there will be no trees left on Earth. Every 18 minutes, a brain aneurysm is ruptured. Thousands of undiscovered species go extinct every year. A mouse' teeth never stops growing. You'll walk past 36 serial killers in your lifetime. There are nearly 3,000 active serial killers in the world. Hearing is the last sense to go before death. A frog's skin is only 1mm (0.03937in) thick. Only 6 people have survived rabies without the help of a medical assistant, as of 2016. There's only a 1 in 21 trillion chance that you'll die from being struck by space debris. Your collar bone is extremely fragile. It is said that newborn babies can blink and swallow at the same time. 85% of everyone you walked past were strangers. If the Sun went out now, we wouldn't notice until 8 minutes 20 seconds have passed. There's a 40% chance that someone born today will live past the age of retirement. We spend 1/3 of our life sleeping. That's why so many people die during their sleep. Peanut butter contains rodent hairs.