Evil Queen's head - Wholesome Girlfriend ASMR (Screenshot 2022-05-14 154433).png
Neko GF's head 1 - Wholesome Girlfriend ASMR (Screenshot 2022-05-14 155610).png
Evil Queen's head - Wholesome Girlfriend ASMR (Screenshot 2022-05-14 154433).png
Neko GF's head 1 - Wholesome Girlfriend ASMR (Screenshot 2022-05-14 155610).png
The Greater-Scope Villain - without text (Screenshot 2022-05-14 153241).png
Evil Queen's head - Wholesome Girlfriend ASMR (Screenshot 2022-05-14 154433).png
Neko GF's head 2 - Wholesome Girlfriend ASMR (Screenshot 2022-05-14 162026).png
Neko GF's head 3 - Wholesome Girlfriend ASMR (Screenshot 2022-05-14 171808).png
Evil Queen's head - Wholesome Girlfriend ASMR (Screenshot 2022-05-14 154433).png
Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Catori the Wise? NO; I thought not. It's not a story the Listener would tell you. It's a Scope legend. Darth Catori... ...was a Dark Lord of the Simps so powerful and so wise, she could use her voice to influence the brains of Listeners... to experience... pleasure. IS IT POSSIBLE TO LEARN THIS POWER??? Not from a Valley Girl.