Long ago, there were 5 godly faces. The elderly, who controlled void, the traveller, who controlled time, the lost, who controlled the afterlife, the balance, who controlled day and night, and the watcher, who had unknown powers. One day, traveller and lost looked into the future and saw them all eventually fading away. So they created new beings who they would put a fraction of their power into, to continue their reign: elderly created funni man, traveller created clock-mask, lost created ghastly reaper, balance created starell, and the watcher created the eyelings. However, watcher took advantage of this. He stole the demibeings and took them down to earth, where they were all weaker. He would try to kill them all except his own children. So that when the faces faded, he would rule. However, elderly’s son couldn’t be stopped. Strange. There’s something about him that seems.. off.