W.Fred: alright hun bun, let's get you wrapped up and ready for bed ^^; Willow: nwo! I'm not slweepy yet! W.Bun: sweetheart, it's almost 10 in the morning, you have to be at least a little tired; Willow: nu-uh..! W.Bun: *sigh* Freddy Bear, let me handle this; W.Fred: no, I got it ^^"; W.Bun: really, let me put her to sleep; W.Fred: no, I. GOT. IT. W.Bun: don't you put attitude on me, mister! Both: *get into a fight, getting all wrapped up in the blanket* 😠💢 -; Willow: *drinking from her cup* hi :3; Both: how- *notice their tangled up* ._.