Also, Samoyens or other fluffy doggos are shoobs. A rule of thumb: If a dog's name ends with a vowel and then a g, add "go" If a dog's name ends with a consonant followed by g, just add "o". Huskers and Pommos are Huskies and Pomeranians, respectively. Oh, and the retriever's are boyes. Despite being pronounced the same as boy, boye actually refers to both genders. Golden boye, Labrador boye, etc. Scottish Terriers are beard boys. Poodles are pooders and Yorkshire terriers are yorkos. Chihuahuas are Cheewawas, or you can just call them Chihuahuas.
Now, classification based on the fur. If the fur is all over the place, it's a scruffer. If the fur is not crazy, it's a regular doggo.