My wife poops in the shower and stomps it down the drain. Nota joke. She recently told me this and I've been living with it for weeks now. She even broke the news to me while laughing about it. You know what a waffle stomp is?, she asked me as she laughed and laughed so hard she started crying! I feel disgusted and betrayed. I can't even look at her over breakfast anymore before head off to work and while at work all I can do is wonder to myself, 'is she doing it right now?'. Apparently this has been going on for years! Says she uses all the scented candles she obsessively buys online to mask the smell. I work 12-15 hour days so plenty of time to cover her shit stink. A few times we've had to snake the drain due to a clog. Now I know why. I'm not surel can live this life anymore.