I have ideas for some Pokemon. Grurr. Named after Grass + Ur (A super continent 3.1 billion years ago.) It's similar to Carbink but the top is grass and the bottom is dirt.
Soildania. Named after Soil + Rodania (again a super continent formed 1.1 billion years ago.) It looks like Avalugg but The top of him is grass, the body is stone, and the limbs are stone.
Plantgea. Named after Plant + Pangea (A super continent formed 230 million years ago.) It looks like Regice But the shard part is grass, The face and head is dirt, the body is stone, and the legs are bedrock.
The evolution line goes like this: Grurr --> Soildania --> Plantgea
The water type starter can be named Cowacrab, and the evolution design can be found here: https://inprogresspokemon.tumblr.com/post/162636046066/these-unnamed-water-starters-were-commissioned-by