Hitler Gandhi and Gigachad get into a fight. Hitler triumphantly kills them both. c a t and Tibia mariner share everything they gathered before running. Wall Breaker snatches some arrows from the cornucopia. Waifu snatches a bottle of alcohol and a blade. Anais runs away with a sword and some rope. Gwyn and CHONKER share everything they gathered before running. Kale grabs a sickle and Anya gets a slingshot Grey Knight thinks about grabbing supplies but decides to run for cover instead.
Ishigami and Typer Guy both go for the same axe. Ishigami gives up and retreats.
Jasmine grabs a backpack but it's not zipped and most of the supplies fall out.
Dog Pope grabs a sickle and J12 gets a slingshot
Alexander and LOG dash for the same bag of food and supplies. LOG gets scared and retreats.