THE GOVERNMENT HAS SOME WEIRD POWERS REGARDING MONEY; FIAT PAPER IS NOT MONEY; THE "FED" BANK IS STEALING MY SAVINGS THROUGH INFLATION AND ENCOURAGING WASTEFUL AND ABUSIVE FEDERAL SPENDING THAT LEADS TO TYRANNY; THE SO CALLED "FEDERAL RESERVE" IS A PRIVATE ORGANIZED CRIME SYNDICATE THAT ENGAGES IN MONEY LAUNDERING, MANIPULATION, AND COUNTERFEITING AS ITS MOST HONORABLE ACTIVITIES. Worse it controls almost all of congress and is in league with international globalists and their criminal CIA to fund deep state terrorist attacks such as mass shootings, 9/11, their endless drug war, and phony pandemics. Its shadowy owners also fund and control propaganda corporate "news" and push a range of unconstitutional laws to overthrow our constitutional rights and turn us into slaves and renters with no property rights.