NES-Tan: But whyy? They don't understand how harsh I am about copyright policies on my games! Mario should remain in NES only, jerk! When I find whoever made this, I will rape him so hard he will be my sex slave! D:<
Fami: Take it easy, imouto. It won't hurt your popularity. I personally like it as I find it impressive, NES-san. Plus, please be thankful you let Genesis-san fix the Somari bootleg game. ❤
Mario: Mamma mia! I don't a-belong on Commodore 64! Please bring me a-back on the NES! *Mari laughs*
Luigi: Yeah, Mario. Commodore is a-too complex, bro!
Sega Genesis: Fuсk yeah! Finally the Commodore will get the taste of the blue blur!
Sonic: Wow! I really like this! It's not slow at all! Sucks to be you, Mario! The Commodore just blew your NES out of the water! Though the REU expansion requirement thing sucks, ew!
Tramiel: We got both Mario and Sonic?
Carmen: *blushes* I feel very flattered~
Blanc: Mario looks great on C64, but I prefer the NES original.
Neptune: Sonic on C64?! Xen, hand me your C64, I wanna play it now!
Histoire: Not till your work is done!