Sky: that would be fantastic. *he talks into the wrist calm again* This is Sky requesting three light vehicles outfitted for combat.
???: I have no idea what your doing, but alright, what happened to Stardust?
Sky: that’s what we’re gonna go figure out.
???: you should probably find out soon. She took out a cruiser during whatever that chaos was.
Sky: wait what?!
???: don’t worry, it was a sentinel cruiser. We suffered no casualties. Deploying light vehicles, they should get there in maybe a little under 5 minutes due to the long distance jump they have to make.
Sky: how far did we go?
???: you jumped approximately 3 star systems, each with about a 300 light year distance. What activated your hyperdrive?
Sky: I don’t know. Stardust might have actually.
???: great… anyways, figure out what happened. I want to know before she destroys anything else.
Sky: got it. *he turns off the comm link* So, you guys really want to chase a dragon with me?