You do not know anything about this subject, do you?
Read Matthew 26:17–29. That is the story about the Last Supper, which is where this passage is from.
And communion is not the same as a blood offering to a pagan God. It is something we do to remember what Christ did for us. He broke His body and spilled His blood, so in remembrance, we do what He told us to do, which is communion.
He broke the bread, gave it to the disciples to eat, poured the wine and gave it to the disciples to drink, called them His blood and body(as a metaphor) and then told them, "Do this in remembrance of me."
Communion is not the same as drinking blood. It is drinking wine/grape juice to remember that Chirst died for us.
And sin does include thoughts. It can be defined as anything you think, say, or do against God.