Ok, for a bit of context before the story begins. I have an average of 9 people show up to the dnd sessions. So, the only way the DM has order is by doing “karma rolls”. Karma rolls are just randomly generated punishments e.g. knees somehow disappear, spikes appear out of the ground, or a fight happens. There are many more (I think he said 100+ unique punishments). The way this began was when the party was fighting over peace of loot (was homebrew I think) that could be sold for a lot of money, or crafted into powerful items. Out, of the game, we were yelling at each other (mainly me as I was carrying it because of 17 STR). We were in a library so this was made worse.
So, the DM rolled for “serious” punishment. He got Combat. When rolled for a CR, 30. And, as he always changes stuff, the tarrasque was flying. Now the party was freaking out as we were level 3 at the time (and the DM split XP equally even if the person wasn’t in combat) so we thought it was a TPK. My paladin of tempest just stepped forward, turned around and said “run, I’ll distract it”. The artificer was about to ask him to hand over the elemental core (like I said homebrew as I don’t think it is in the game). He just replied “this monstrosity is after it, now run while you can”
The party did so, but the wizard stayed as we were good friends in-game and IRL. The tarrasque was almost on top of where we just were by then. The wizard cast haste on me while I was trying to flank it (spell scroll he bought). My character while trying to get the tarrasque attention held up the core and yelled “Is this what you want, come and take it you overgrown gecko”. The DM had me roll intimidation, I rolled an 18.
So, the tarrasque turned toward my character end let out a roar so loud it made the earth tremble “frightful presence, I succeeded the save”. All whilst, the wizard was casting buffs on me and the party was running away. My paladin drew his sword and cast “compel duel” and held his action. The tarrasque charged at my character, and he was muttering a prayer in thanks to tempest for this glorious death. Just as the tarrasque was about to attack my character cast “protection from evil and good”, the DM ruled that because it was an oath spell it didn’t affect my 2 remaining spell slots. That pared with my 23 AC and cloak of displacement made the tarrasqe miss all 5 of its attacks (DM definitely fudged all those rolls).