Aw, shucks- Thanks for the kind words there, buddy ( ̄y▽, ̄)╭ And you're completely right with what you say; every good person deserves to know how loved and valued and beautiful they are, no matter what others may think or say. As for a life that is going downhill, however, just remember that a bad day... is just a day that is bad. Simply try and think positive, because if you keep viewing everything in a negative light, then everything *will* seem negative. However, you do have to keep a balance between the two; viewing every little thing as positive will cause you to be unprepared for the negatives, meanwhile viewing every little thing as a negative will make everything feel worthless and empty. It's all about finding peace between the two, as well as in yourself. That might be a bit difficult, but that's also what keeps us strong 💪 As my favorite original character once said, and I quote:
"It's hard to be strong, but... that's what being strong is."
That being said, stay strong and positive, friend 🥰 And in regards to your username, it can be whatever you'd like it to be, as long as it makes you happy <3