ah, apologies! i was oblivious to the unfortunate fact that you are an ABSOLUTE SHITHEAD, that jumps to construct a poorly organized 3rd-grade level insult that you can't even SPELL CORRECTLY, instead of calmly approaching the situation and using Occam's Razor[hey, this guy's probably kidding around or some shit, i should probably chill tf out before i embarrass myself]. But NO, you didn't think of that, DID YOU? No, you had to be a "cool kid" and try to "burn" someone with overused vocabulary such as "insignificant little brain" and "wouldn't understand the concept even if I handed it to you on a silver platTer[notice how i used TWO t's there?]" But, you're probably 12, so I'll forgive you for this one. So, either A: go to "settings", scroll all the way down to where it says "Delete Account" [if your feeble mind could manage that], meet people, GROW UP, SNOWFLAKE, touch grass, and do something with your life. OR, you can just continue this shitty way of living and go watch "paw patrol hot r34 femboy mega milkers 18+" or whatever the hell you do when mom's not looking.
go***amn this is exactly why i hate you people