Every song has their own points.
Week 1:
Geisha and Revolution. Geisha is the infamous DDR 2010 chart, with 16th note crossovers and double steps. Revolution's EXPERT chart is a new chart, referencing other mods.
Week 2:
The entire week. Ska is horribly offbeat, but the ending is the hardest part. Horatio has health draining arrows. Uh has notespam.
Week 3: Entire week again. They all have their hardest points. 4/5 songs in the week have stops.
Week 4: Only 1 song, but it's kinda difficult, referencing hard songs from DDR. Also, you have to play on downscroll, 1x scroll speed, sudden death.
Week 5: Only 1 song again, and you have to play with downscroll, 1.5x, and sudden death.