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"Ukraine...That's where we're headed" says Judge sentencing insurrectionist

"Ukraine...That's where we're headed" says Judge sentencing insurrectionist | IDEOLOGICAL POLITICAL PAWNS... AID DESTRUCTION OF THEIR OWN NATION | image tagged in trump,election 2020,the big lie,insurrection,judge reggie walton,adam johnson | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
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Commies burn, loot, destroy and murder for the better part of a year in this country, costing billions of dollars worth of damage. None of them were held accountable.

Yet, about 300 people bust a few windows in Washington DC for a couple of hours after being coaxed into rioting by FBI agents and you guys act like it was the worst event in American history since the Civil War.

What is up with that? Don't you have any sense of perspective at all? Or do you think the commies trying to destroy as much of America as they could is a good thing?

If you want to talk about what an insurrection really is, the commie twits burning down parts of America come much, much, much closer to fitting that definition over 300 people pissed because of a stolen election. The Jan 6th riots weren't about taking over the country. No one was even armed and the only people who got murdered were the rioters.
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Denialism - rather than Covid itself - apparently is the most virulent disease attacking GOP suppporters today.
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Really? That's you answer to explain the billions of dollars of damage and lives destroyed by the left.

BTW I'm not a Republican.
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"Commies"... "None of them held to account"... "300 bust a few windows" ... "coaxed into rioting by FBI agents"... "people pissed by a stolen election"... Damn, for someone claiming they're not a Republican, you certainly have all their talking points down pat.

Do I seriously need to provide you with links to published articles about all the post George Floyd rioters and looters that've been arrested and convicted? Here's just one from Madison County alone but there's hundreds of other articles just like this published nationwide that irrefutably refute your assertion.

Apparently, you also tend to ignore published Court documents from every single post election lawsuit Trump and the GOP filed and lost (64 in total) in their attempts to overturn the election, many of which were ruled on by Republican judges, some of which Trump himself appointed.
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Antifa is a anarcho-communist group who's goal is the elimination of fascism. Or at least that is what they started off as back in the early 20th century. Today's Antifa are still an anarcho-communist group but they are fighting fascism as they think they are. They are fighting freedom. In addition to Antifa there are other pro-communist groups who joined with them. Those who tried to murder Kyle Rittenhouse where not Antifa but where in some other pro-communist group.

Well good. They finally started arresting those little twerps. I hope ALL of them are arrested and charged with felonies and insurrection.

There were 10's maybe 100's of thousands of protesters in DC on Jan 6th but only about about 300 of them stormed the Capitol Building. That is what the mainstream media is reporting. The busted a few windows and I think they damaged some of the walls. They caused about a 1 million dollars worth of damage. Which is a lot but a drop in the ocean to Antifa's damage.

Everyone on the left keeps pointing to the handful of court cases as their proof. Those cases prove NOTHING. The majority of them never even went to trial. The case presented by Guiliani was farcical.

The most damning proof wasn't even available until after all of those court cases were over. However, the things that were known were not even brought up in some of those cases.

In many states counting just stopped. Poll watchers were kicked out of polling places. When the counting resumed magically Biden was ahead of Trump. In several polling places Biden was ahead of Trump by the exact same number that Trump was ahead before the counting stopped. The counts had just been switched. This happened many places, not just one place. In one polling place for a brief period Trump had about -900 votes. -900 is impossible because votes are additive, not subtractive.

The electronic voting machines are connected to the internet. They had to have their vote switching algorithm updated while ballot counting was stopped because Trump's landslide was too big. The machines are also capable of being edited without a date time stamp of the edit. Poll workers can edit ballots however they wanted.

I am not a Republican. I believe in truth. I knew that Trump would lose by voter fraud in 2016. Democrats have no morals. "The ends justify the means" is the motto of the left.
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Look, I get it and fully understand why you believe what you believe based on the particular media outlets you follow. I'm telling you that unless you actually read the filed court documents pertaining to every single one of these cases, you're never going to be able to discern fact from fiction.

Media outlets are granted free license to spew all kinds of complete BS and political rhetoric without consequence due to the 1st Amendment. Not so in the Courts, where every false assertion can and will get a lawyer suspended, sanctioned and/or disbarred. Hence why Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell and many other lawyers nationally who pushed Trump's BS claims about a stolen election have now had their right to practice law revoked and are facing multiple BILLION dollar lawsuits against them.
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What was presented in the courts was about 10% of the evidence that exists. And like I said much of that evidence didn't surface until after the court cases were closed. Stop holding on to those court cases like it is the final word on the subject. It is far from it.

I don't watch Fox News if that is what your implying. And remember the license to broadcast BS isn't just limited to conservative media. Plus it actually has less to do with the 1st amendment than it does with a piece of legislation that was passed in the 40's that prevented the media from broadcasting propaganda. Obama killed that bill and ever since then the mainstream media has become so much less reliable than ever. They lie about nearly everything. The quite literally have become the Press Dept of the Democrat party.
0 ups, 2y
Everything you claim about the ballots being switched, the voting machines being connected to the internet, etc. is total BS. Each and everyone of the claims were addressed in Court and all were completely debunked using actual factual evidence.

I'll I agree with you though about the media becoming so much less reliable after Obama killed the legislation governing the illegality of using propaganda on the citizenry. I was appalled by that at the time and knew no good would come from it.
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It ain't denialism, he's just presenting his side of the argument. If you don't like it, counter it with a real argument, not an accusation of logical incompetents.

Also who invited covid to this discussion? If you want to talk about that, post another poorly thought out meme about your opinions on infection rates among Trump supporters. Maybe that one will only get two or three upvotes as well.

Either way, pick you battles, not your nose, buddy.
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Denialism is when one refuses to examine contradictory factual evidence (which has actually been proven in multiple courts nationwide) that refutes their beliefs.

Secondly, if you can't understand nor recogize the correlation of denialism that exists within the Republican party with respect to the severity of Covid, anti-vaxxers and Trump's lies about a stolen election, there's no hope for you. National polls consistently show Republicans are the least likely to get vaxxed and the most prone to believe in complete BS about a stolen election.
0 ups, 2y
Republicans are less likely to get the vaccine bc cause they don't just eat what is fed to them by the media and the federal government. Sure it was all fine and dandy get when it first came out: there was still some possibility that it would be effective. But it isn't really.

First Joe told us if we got the vaccine we would be immune to covid. Then he said well, you won't be immune, but you won't die when you get it. Then it was,"Get the booster and you'll be immune." Since then we've gone through lord knows how many rounds of boosters and best they can do is hand you a little card that lets you into Starbucks with out a mask.

The reason Republicans don't often get the vax is because they don't blindly obey the federal government. And because of its apparently very low rate of effectiveness, it doesn't matter. The people who were going to succumb to the virus get sick and die anyway. The best vaccine is proper nutrition, bodily activity and good sleep.

Covid is nothing more than an experimental flu that escaped from the Wuhan Virology Lab, and especially in the case of the newer variants, it is highly transmissible, but very, very, very unlikely to kill you.

As for the election, idk if it was actually 'stolen' as many people say, but all I'll say this here: sending out hundreds of thousands of no-I.D.-needed mail-in ballots and then expecting people to follow the rules is just naive.
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He has no argument and he knows it. He's just programmed to think this way. He cannot think for himself.
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Projectionism's always utilzed by those most lacking coherent fact based evidence.
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What I am I projecting? Going back to my original comment. I merely asked the question why. Why do you think that the Jan 6th riot is so much worse then about a years worth of rioting all around the country. It makes no sense to me.

I also said that the Antifa riots were much closer to an insurrection and they were. An insurrection is an attempt to overthrow and replace an existing government. That is the goal of Antifa. That was not even close to what the Jan 6th rioters were doing.

Thousands of people showed up in Washington DC to protest a fraudulent election. Just for the sake of argument, let's say the election was honest and accurate. Those protesters believed it was fraudulent. They were exercising their Constitutional right to petition the government for a redress of wrongs and they were peaceably assembled. That is NOT by any way shape or form an insurrection.

Then Ray Epps, and FBI operative, ON CAMERA is seen several times trying to get people to riot. The night before he is seen trying to get people to raid the Capitol building and ON CAMERA the people started shouting him down chanting "Fed, Fed, Fed...". They didn't go their to riot.

The day of Epps had operatives positioned around the Capitol. ON CAMERA he is seen talking to them and then heads towards another. Immediately after he left the operative pushed the barricade over and started running. Crowds typically have a collective IQ of an ant and they just followed the operatives. About 300 in all stormed the Capitol building.

Still..... NOT an insurrection. None of them had firearms.

If you were going to start an insurrection it would take months or even years of planning. You would need a whole lot more people than 300 and just storming the Capitol bldg is not going to do anything. You would need a whole lot more people, all of them trained just like our military has been trained and they would all need firearms, several of them.

It wouldn't happen on the spur of the moment.

I am not justifying what the rioters did. They should all be held accountable for the crimes they committed. The government should also release those who were not part of the riot who are being held indefinitely. Also they need to find and arrest Ray Epps and his operatives for inciting a riot.
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Do you honestly want to know why Jan 6th was so much worse than the rioting that occurred post George Floyd's death??? For some reason, I really don't think you do because it would require you to suspend previously held ideological positions to accept uncomfortable and/or inconvenient facts that might upset and/or upend your entire belief system.

Are you even aware of the fact that Ray Epps previously held the position of Chapter President of AZ's Oath Keepers years ago or that to date, there's been no evidence whatsoever of him ever entering the Capitol. What he did is/was akin to Trump's rhetoric imploring others to march to the Capitol yet ensuring he, himself, was never actually part of that for self protective legal reasons.

You're right about one thing though... Jan 6th's insurrection was not merely some spur of the moment action; it was in fact a highly orchestrated event by both Trump and his allies to overturn an election he legimately lost but even most of them were shocked by what occurred - including Trump Jr, many FOX hosts and others, imploring Trump to publically denounce what was occurring and tell them to stand down.

According to public records, however, he loved every minute of it, rewinding and replaying videos of it, thrilled by what was happening and couldn't understand why others in his admistration were less than enthusiatic about such. You would know all of this already were it not for the media echo chamber you currently live in.

If you can't understand why Jan 6th's insurrection is far more serious than the rioting post Floyd's death, it's because the former strikes at the very core and foundation of US democracy, while the latter's primarily focused on US civil and human rights, which is but one of many contentional issues that unfortunately continues to be hyperpartisan to this day.
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I am aware that the AZ chapter and every other chapter of the Oath Keepers has never heard of Ray Epps. That whatever connection you have been told he has with them is false. And, for the sake of argument, if Epps was part of the Oath Keepers then why isn't he in custody? Why is it that no federal agency is even looking for him?

Are you aware of who the Oath Keepers and what their name implies. They are current and former police officers and military who took an oath to defend the Constitution from all enemies both foreign and domestic. Their presence in Washington DC was to defend against the domestic enemies to the Constitution who subverted an election. The problem was they were in the wrong place. The enemies they should be fighting are foreign. There was tons of foreign money dumped into this election for a much larger purpose. There is a specific reason why "Build Back Better" was Biden's campaign slogan. The phrase did not originate with the Biden campaign. It originated in the World Economic Forum as the slogan for the Great Reset. Biden is just the puppet they installed as our president.

I never said that Jan 6th was NOT a spur of the moment riot. I was saying that insurrections do not happen spur of the moment. That riot never would have happened if it had not been triggered because NO ONE came there to riot. There was one guy who they found stuff to make Molotov cocktails in the trunk of his car. One guy. Have you been to DC? Do you know how far away he would have had to park his car from the Capitol building. And need I remind you it was in his car. And what they are calling stuff to make a Molotov cocktail could have just been a spare gas can in the trunk of his car. But for the sake of argument, then you have one guy who came there to riot out of 100's of thousands who just showed up to peacefully protest.

What the Jan 6th protestors were protesting was about a direct strike to core and foundation of our democracy. Biden was not legally elected and there is nothing that hits our democracy than massive large scale voter fraud paid for by foreign money.

What the Antifa and other commie rioters were rioting about were using George Floyd as a cover for their plans. Why is it they attacked businesses? They were fighting capitalism. Why is it they were attacking government buildings? They were fighting a government that allows capitalism to exist. BLM was protesting for George Floyd, Antifa was not.
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Oh look, here's an archived article from 2011 listing Ray Epps as AZ Chapter President of the Oath Keepers, complete with his telephone number...

"Press contact — Arizona Oath Keepers state chapter President Ray Epps: 480-586-5145. Backup Press contact — Elias Alias — 406-285-6597 * [email protected]"

As to why Epps isn't in custody, there's been dozens of articles published about such. Primarily it's because he didn't enter the Capitol. There are also dozens of articles relating to him being interviewed by both the FBI and House Select Committee along with his testimony.
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A few months ago I went to the Oath Keepers website looking specifically for what they had to say about Jan 5th and about Epps. They had an article that said Epps was never a member of the Oath Keepers. Unfortunately I just went back to their website and they are rewriting their website and there are no articles available. So I can't point you to their article.

So then I would ask, was Epps at the riots under direction of the Oath Keepers Jan 6th? The night before the protesters called him a Fed. There was a woman from the FBI who was called into congress and she was asked several times about Epps and she would neither confirm or deny Epps' involvement with the FBI, which makes me think she was just covering her butt. It would have been very easy to deny his involvement without an repercussions IF and only IF he had no involvement with the FBI.

Epps was NOT acting under the direction of the Oath Keeper, regardless if he was or was not a member or former member of the group. He has ties with the FBI. His job was to instigate the riot and he succeeded.

There's a very good reason why he didn't enter the Capitol building. He knew what the mission was and it was only to instigate.

The entire event was planned out. But not by who you think planned it. It was the Democrat party. The concocted a scheme to try to get people to riot and try to link Trump to it. They they redefined the word "insurrection" so that they could impeach Trump on charges of inciting an insurrection. If that succeeded then they could invoke the 14th amendment to prevent him from ever holding office. It was a weak scheme and the impeachment didn't work.
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Jan 6th was definitely a highly coordinated event but it wasn't initiated by the Dems. That was all Trump and his allies doing, which got out of hand. Have you not seen all the published communications - tweets, texts, and otherwise - that transpired both prior to and on that day among Trump's supporters?
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The Jan 6th PROTESTS were planned. The riots, not at all. Not by the right anyway.

The Dems needed to take Trump out permanently. They know that Biden is a dope. They know he didn't even close to enough votes to beat Trump in 2020. They're scared to death that Trump will run again in 2024. They cannot afford to let that happen. Not with 2030 coming so soon. They have to plan for the great reset. Once they trigger that then in 2030 (as in the UN's Agenda 2030) their long awaited plans for a global government will be achieved. But first they have to take down America. Once America falls the rest of the Western World will fall with it.

Trump was not scheduled to win in 2016 but the Dems made a mistake in that they didn't take into consideration the electoral college. They used the same tactics against Bernie Sanders in both midterms that Sanders ran in. Sanders won both of them but the World Economic Forum, the UN, George Soros and Hansjorg Wyss didn't want him. They wanted Hillary in 2016 and they wanted Biden in 2020. So socialist loser Bernie Sanders got thrown under the bus. Sanders would have destroy the economy like they wanted but he wasn't controllable. Biden is the perfect puppet because there is just nothing going on upstairs in what's left of that brain of his.
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I actually agree with you on a number of points but totally disagree with others.

The protests were planned but the riot wasn't. That even came as a shock to many GOP leaders. Where we differ is on opinion as to what was the catalyst that provoked such. I have no doubt in my mind that Trump, Eastman, Giuliani, et als, rhetoric that day sparked it. If you read the court transcripts of those who have been indicted for the insurrection, they all say they thought they were patriots doing right thing and what their Commander in Chief wanted and instructed.

Trump most definitely legitimately lost the election, as every non-corrupt Republican Secretary of State and Governor will tell you, as too Trump's own AG - Bill Barr - along with Trump appointee Chris Krebs - Director of CISA (Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency of Homeland Security) - as too every Republican Judge nationwide that ruled against him and all his GOP allies BS claims of a stolen election (a number of which Trump appointed himself.

You're right about the 2016 calculous, as too somewhat correct about Hillary and Sanders. Biden's not senile; his life long stutter problem is why some may perceive him that way. A relative in my own family has the same issue. They're highly intelligent but have a problem getting their words out and communicating as easy and effectively as others.

There are all kinds of perceived conspiracies in the world that people deliberately invent or fall into. Trump's declaration of winning the election is just one them. I too have heard much about the 'great reset'. Do I blindly believe those tales - no - but that doesn't mean I don't think there are some out there actually pushing for that happen, in the same way Bannon, Giuliani, Powell and most of the GOP party today are pushing Trump's Big Lie for self serving social, economic and/or political self interest.
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While recognizing the political naivity of some of those that participated in the insurrection, Judge Walton also condemned their actions in his ruling.
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