I prefer "dark skin tone". Yes, there is more to a person than just their color/tone of skin, but some people who are black by "race" might have no pigment due to Vitiligo.
But that's more due to defining people by race, which is a really bad way to define humans.
Personally I'm more pissed when someone says dark or black is bad. I'm using night mode due to eye straining, I love black metal and nothing says sharp dressed like a nice charcoal colored blazer.
Making black only about race wouldn't solve racism. This is only done to create a believe that it will fix over a 100 years of racial oppression. While in fact will only make this racial divide even bigger.
I'm called white because it's the direct opposite of the color black, but I'm anything but actually the color white. more pink-ish. My skin tone is "cool" (no puns please.)