You seem like a good Dude, merely a suggestion, you might wanna delete your comments to me. I got what is probably just one jaggoff with several alt accounts, goes WAY back in my comments, and down votes them all. You can tell, shit that hasn't been looked at in months, even innocuous ones like "Nice" end up with seven down votes, overnight. To me ? I LOVE that power, better than an up vote all day long. Can you imagine, some asswipe being THAT into this shit ?
While I do make a lot of crappy ones, I'd probably be over a million if it weren't for some of those asses. I've had stuff get picked up by "Patriot Post" occasionally, and even found two of mine ended up in those mass forwards that I did not originate.
Bottom line? Not sure if the hatred of me is contagious or not.
Oh ! oh ! One more problem you might have with that depression era meme? It has to be viewed by people whose knowledge of the nuances of politics and history, might go beyond Orange man Bad, and Kamala gobs the knob. There seems to be a lot of that here.