Whose views and opinions do you listen to and care about? As a person who is incapable of forming his own views and opinions, how does it make you feel when other people profess not to care about what you profess to be your own views and opinions? How does it make you feel when other people profess not to care about the views and opinions of the people whose views and opinions you listen to and care about? And do you really think that you're succeeding in making anyone else feel the way that you feel when other people profess not to care about your own views and opinions, or the views and opinions of others whose views and opinions you care about, when you profess not to care about Whoopi Goldberg's views and opinions?
Because the word "sympathy" literally means "suffering together". And you made this meme in an attempt to make certain "people" suffer in the ways that you've suffered. It's your own sad way of seeking sympathy. So... do the people you want to see this meme actually care about Whoopi Goldberg's views and opinions as much as you do? Or is it just you who cares about Whoopi Goldberg's views and opinions, you who projects your own caring about Whoopi Goldberg's views and opinions onto these other people whom you want sympathy from, and you who has made a sad, failed attempt to garner sympathy from certain "people" who don't actually exist, yet reside within your mind rent free?
Remember this: Only stupid, unhappy, unsuccessful people try to convince strangers on the internet that they're smart, happy, and successful.