Liz: you scared me. I thought you were leaving me for good. So I went in stores of alcohol. My dad always said it made him feel better, so I thought he was right. I don’t really remember what happened after that
Cam: You've been sick for almost 5 days, and two of them you were asleep the other ones you were resting, it would be highly unlikely for you to not feel better
Cam: I'm not mad at you... I've got to go to school today, there's and event today I can't miss, I'll be fine most the day, will you be ok by yourself?
Cam: I was worried! I didn't want you to die! I was only trying to help you, and I didn't ask them to drug you, you were naturally asleep for two days!!!
Liz: you sent me to the hospital for them to drug me asleep for two days! i was just sick and needed to sleep. now be send to the hospital! what is wrong with you
Liz: oh, hi Cam. I heard about this thing called “getting high”. I don’t know what it is, but you have to snort some white powder stuff, so I grabbed sugar from the cabinet. But I don’t think it worked