Everyone, if you dont like haunting story's that make you feel like someones watching you,please dont read this. If you can take it, here it goes.
It was a warm summer evening in a small town near Vancouver. Emily Brooks was enjoying her summer vacation with her friends from college.
They were near a small lake her friend jasper had found, it was a little walk from the town to it. On the way there, Emily was just enjoying a song on her phone. Humming along the lyrics, she discovers that she lost her friends on the trip. 'Dang it, too distracted, yet again.' She said.
But before she could shout for her friends, she heard a weird sound. It... sounded like heavy breathing, and some, distorted whispering....
Freaked out, she ran. And the sound didn't got fainter, it almost looked like it was following her.
She tough I'd never ended until she tripped over a branch right in the lake beach. 'Ah, there you finally are! Took you long enough!' That was a familiar voice, it was her older sister sitting by the rest of her friends. Heavily breathing, Emily went to sit by her friends, putting the voice out if her mind, just to have some fun at the lake. After a very long while swimming, Cole mentioned that dusk already settled in.
Later on, everyone went to their house where they stayed in for the vacation. They had some snacks, drinks and finally everyone went to bed.
Emily forgot the sound she heard the whole day, until now. Sweating of fear she still could remember how the sound chased her down.
All of those thoughts were disturbed by a bloodshedded scream. Emily jumped and almost cried. Later, Cole came in and said it was her older sister, who had seen a little mouse.
Calmed, Emily tried to sleep again, but what happend after that, was somthing the detectives who found their mangled corpses nit even could describe human. It was now 2:45 PM, when there was somthing that woke Emily up. It sounded like a weird song, sounding distorted:
'Tick tock, watch your clock.
One will be gone...
'Tick tock, watch the clock
And keep your eyes open till' the morning sun.