1. R.J.H IVth
2. 5;4
3. N/A
4. April 27th
5. Brown
6. Brown
7. 1940s jade
8. Half cut salted bacon
9. "You Know You're Own Right" By Nirvana (1994)
10. All in the family
11. Beavis and Butthead do America
12. "Idle thoughts of an Idle fellow" (1892 I believe my copy is)
13. Kurt Cobain
14. that dude from like elf
15. Active
16. Was on a bridge near were I live, then we went to the beach
17. My friends are all dead so-
18. "Floydd the Barber" By Nirvana
19. None
20. Eating class
21. Science
22. 89%
26. Yes
27. 2, one named my exact name, the other named Rufford
28. Pornhub.com
29. idk
30. Return Day
31. None
32. A skirt, thigh highs and a stone temple pilots t shirt
33. My heart aches so bad
34. That she isn't pregnant
35. Benjamin
36. 7
37. none
38. over 20
39. My cousin
40. idek
41. Been beat up, but I kicked their asses so-
42. Summer
43. The Towers Bed & Breakfast
44. "don't believe everything you read off the internet" - Abraham Lincoln
45. My own
46. I crossdress from time to time
47. Duh, of course