Star Sugar: you were the one who sent the kit here! and don't even think of attacking me or the others, we're the next level StarClan. we're from a whole different universe.
Shadowslash: "One second. Let me think.....No. Absolutely not. You can tell the rest of CLOUDCLAN that they can come to fight me themselves instead of sending foxes from other worlds."
Star Sugar: The leader of this clan is literally Kawaii's pet cat. she'll kill us if at least one of us isn't protecting Cloudstar and the others. Today's my watching duty, just go and don't give me trouble.
Star Sugar: I have love magic too. Listen, would you rather leave or end up falling in love with me for about 10 minutes and you follow my every order? Tell me, which would you pick?
Shadowslash: "Lemme get this straight. You're a cookie but also a fox, and you come from a different universe. And you've killed gods." *sighs* "(sarcastically)Seems legit."