Loves cursed comments: I like them.
Likes Gacha: I dislike Gacha.
Loves using Wrapper Offline: ?
Has a strange obsession with TV programming: Somewhat.
Loves the Loud House, Smg4, SML, and The Annoying Orange: I love the Loud House, and I like SML.
Likes Grace’s World: Who?
Loves the Simpsons and the old Family Guy: Simpsons is good and Family Guy I don’t like.
Love every gaming console and franchise: Not a gamer.
Hates ripoffs of their favorite movies and shows: Some ripoffs are actually decent.
Loves literally every restaurant and animated movie in existence: I do! Except for Taco Bell and seafood places and some animated movies, mostly I like animated movies.
Has a Deviantart account: Yes.