Tom: . . . *The tree branch he's sitting on would suddenly snap* Oh no! *He'd fall try to stick the land, but he'd end up hitting his head* ow... *rubs his head*
Tom: Wait- what? *Places his hand on where he lands, and sure enough, he'd be bleeding* oh god...
Shadow: *In Tom's head* let me take care of that... *Heals Tom*
Tom: *in head* thanks shad
Shadow: *In Tom's head* no problem
(heheh. I see you learned from my intrusion last time. Good for you person. I don't mean to trouble you or anything so, see ya. Or maybe not, who knows)
*The branch he's sitting on would creak*
Tom: *Anime sweatdrop forms on his head* Oh no... *The branch would break* NYEH-EH! *Jumps over to another branch that's not too weak* whew...