*During a school basketball game*; Marissa: *talking about FNaF lore with Natalie*; Me (Peityn): Hey! No offense, but this isn't a FNaF fan group! Help us out here! *struggling to run back and block Mallory*; Marissa: *intense death glaring Peityn*: Ya know, when you say "no offense" it just alerts the people that you're about to say something offensive? Peityn: *stops running and thinks* (mind: Oh shit she's right.); *a few hours later at Peityn's house*; Jake: *talking about Jeeps while Peityn binge watches Ninjago*; Jake: -And no offense, isn't that a kid's show? Me: Did you know that saying "no offense" just alerts the person that you're about to say something offensive? Jake: ... Dad: *laughing his ass off*: Peityn, where'd you get that!? Peityn: Marissa. *realizes mistake* Ummmmm Ninjago! Dad: ...
I said stop hanging out with her a year ago! Me: *naruto running to room to listen to Stand Up by The Cab and get away from dad*