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Absolutely ridiculous. Shame that the site MODs seemed to stop caring about their jobs (¬_¬ )

Absolutely ridiculous. Shame that the site MODs seemed to stop caring about their jobs (¬_¬ ) | Imgflip's Terms:; Also Imgflip after the SuperStraights stream was created, a stream in which users harass others, discriminate against others, and spread toxicity: | image tagged in i'm gonna pretend i didn't see that,shame,ridiculous,bruh moment,terms and conditions,wth | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
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If they stay in the stream they are allowed to do it
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Because at least they're not attacking us *directly* on this stream, I somewhat agree. However, I still find it extremely hypocritical that such users and such a stream is even allowed on this site, especially with what the Conduct is clearly stated as being. It goes to show as to how this site really is going to Hell, as even the site MODs have stopped caring about their own rules, smh.
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I’m think that they are understaffed for this size of a site so it is causing problems
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I was thinking that, too, but I'm sure they could easily find some more staff, right? There's already a bunch of people on this site, and though a lot of them are toxic, I'm sure that there are also your fair share of responsible people, too, such as you. I don't think it'd be all too difficult, as you'd just need to find the right people for the job. Hell, they could probably even make little adverts for it, conduct little online interviews, etc.. It might seem a little far, but, at this point, it seems necessary.
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Lol if they followed their own rules, then this homophobe in the fun stream wouldn’t be arguing with me because their hatepost wouldn’t have been approved
Pro tip: if you see a homophobe in fun don’t speak to them, you will end up getting so tired of their idiocy it wasn’t worth it to call them out on their wrongdoings in the first place
Because for some reason, they struck the first blow yet seem to think I’m the aggressor
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Yeah, I don't get why such images are ever even approved in any stream at all. Even if you were to flag it, I bet it wouldn't even get taken down, and that's crazy. The Conduct clearly states that no harassment or discrimination is allowed on this site, and they yet allow shit like that to slide.
As for the homophobes you speak of, I completely agree. They almost always land the first blow, then get *insanely* upset when you fight back. Like, huH??? Maybe don't bring up your outdated views then, eh?
2 ups, 2y
Yeah. iF yOu wAnT tO bE aCCePtEd dOn’T GeT WoRKed uP OvEr eVerY LitTlE tHiNG
At one point they accused me of harassment. Like BRUH YOU DON’T WANT ME COMMENTING ON A HATEPOST MAYBE DON’T MAKE A HATEPOST
Funniest thing that happened was a person who made NUMEROUS GRAMMAR ERRORS AND TYPOS accused me of a NONEXISTENT GRAMMAR MISTAKE and said I’m so worked up I lost my ability to speak
I should’ve said bi*** you could never speak in the first place
Then again, idiots aren’t worth your time and they just want the cycle to keep going
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Apparently I’m “attacking straights” and “can’t take a joke” because I was arguing with people saying lgbtq+ ppl have brain damage
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Some stuff I’ve flagged is really surprising there was no action taken. Said homophobe posted an image with a cry emoji that said “boo boo ni***” and nobody did anything about it.
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Damn, I'm sorry to hear all that has happened to you ☹ I seriously can't figure out what it is with homo/transphobes though. I mean, the personal life choices of others don't affect their own, so why the Hell do they care what LGBTQ+ people do? And when they try to defend themselves by being like "BuT LGbtQ+ PEopLe Do BAd StUfF oN tHE nEwS all ThE tImE!!", it's like, well, if you only focus on what the *news* is telling you, you're only ever gonna have negative views on life. After all, the news only really reports on crimes and bad happenings, and guess what. A few people from *every* type of community do bad stuff. Straight people do bad stuff. Cisgender people do bad stuff. Italian people do bad stuff. Literally a few people from *every* type of community do bad stuff, and you can't help that. However, just because a *few* people of a community do bad things doesn't mean that the *whole* community is bad. Just like how every individual is capable of doing bad, every individual is also capable of doing good and, in most communities, there is a lot more good than bad, especially in the LGBTQ+ Community (meanwhile the homo/transphobic community is definitely filled with more bad than good). And don't even get me started when they try to defend themselves like "BuT tHe BiBlE sAys thAT gaYS ArE BaD-" Like, honey, no <3
1. Who tf even cares about that stupid book anymore.
2. That thing has been changed *hundreds* of times by people, just to make it fit their own dumbass personal views.
3. The bible originally states, "Man shall not sleep with boy", which is against *pedophilia*, not gays, as the words that have been chosen clearly indicate a person of older age having an inappropriate relationship with a person of younger age, not two people of the same sex, same age, being in a relationship.
4. Grow the actual f**k up. Why the actual bloody Hell are you worshipping a f**king book (mind you, is basically a fan-fiction due to the fact that multiple people just came together to write it, LOL)? Get a damned life already and stfu.
5. Yeah, the bible says that a lot of other stupid shit are sins, like eating cheeseburgers (Exodus 23:19), pulling out (Genesis 38:9-10), divorce (Mark 10:9), having a short haircut (Leviticus 19:27), etc. ( ). It's f**king stupid; pointing out the things that only *they* want to point out to discriminate against others when everything else in their religion is the stupidest shit I have *ever* seen.
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And these people obviously were fed hate for us because they never looked into our situation. They said we spam rainbows everywhere and get worked up over everything that involves us.
Great job being mad at people for false internet stereotypes! 👍
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Yeah, I hate the more harmful stereotypes. Now, not all of the LGBTQ+ stereotypes are bad (like how gays supposedly love iced coffee, as that's pretty harmless), but the ones that make us seem obnoxious, well, it's a true shame that they even exist and that people actually believe them. One of the worst ones, in my opinion, is that "GaY pEopLe ArE cOnStAntlY ShoVing TheIR sExUAliTiES DoWn oUR ThROaTS!!!" To that, I say:
-Yes, sometimes it may seem like that, but we're really not. Take a look at it from *our* side: People are literally trying to ban same sex marriage, take away our rights, and other such cruel things just because of how we identify, and that's f**king f**ked up. Imagine heterosexual marriage being illegal, along with straights and cisgender people being denied access to healthcare and equal rights. Then the cishets would lose their shit, too, and they yet wonder why we're always fighting for our rights. Like, open your f**king eyes and imagine *yourself* in *our* situation.
-Honey, take a damn step back and look at your f**kin' cishet community. Sweetheart, I think *you're* shoving your own sexuality down everybody's throats, you dumbass. Just by advocating homophobia, you're basically promoting heterosexuality, and guess what that is! That's right!!! Shoving your sexuality down our throats!!! Oh, and why don't you take a look at what you want *kids* to wear:
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One of them actually put a link to the Bible in the comments
And I agree, there are a lot of stupid things in there
I heard that in an older version there was something along the lines of “if your wife speaks in church she shall be stoned to death” which is just ridiculous.
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Tell me about it, smh. There are a countless number of things wrong with that book; exactly why I'm an Atheist.
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I’m an atheist because I just see the absence of magic in real life as an extremely obvious fact
Not everyone does, not saying I’m right, but I see it that way
Though when I look at religions I’ve seen really strange things that would probably turn me into an atheist if I wasn’t one already
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I both respect that and feel the same way: The things present in most religions are all just too strange for me to ever believe, save for things that have to do with the Occult, as since I've done my fair share of studying with Demons and Demonology, I believe such things. After all, there are multiple records of people being possessed by demons, and thousands of documentations of demonic hauntings upon houses and even objects, such as the Annabelle doll. As for angels and similar such things, yeah... no. I don't believe there's any *actual* god or any other of that stupid stuff (and I believe this little clip from this short film says it best: ), as I solely only believe in supernatural things such as demons, since there's actual proof to back those things up (and even if demons aren't real, I f**king love them anyways. They're just so damn interesting to me, and I even named myself after my favorite demon, lol ψ(`∇´)ψ ).
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Yeah, I agree with that
When it comes down to anything supernatural, I am either completely against the possibility or highly skeptical.
I’ve done some theorizing, however, about consciousness, and I believe it isn’t in the atoms within your brain, rather the energy they pass between them. If this is true, then, with enough determination, one could live on outside one’s body as less of a ghost and more of a lost soul.
This would mean possession and demonic beings are a possibility. Do I think they’ve happened? I need to know more before I can make an opinion. Because nobody is entitled to an opinion, rather everyone is entitled to an informed opinion.
But I don’t believe in any religions. I mean, the gods are so openly a part of the social lives of humans in their stories, and allow their existence to be known. So how come no gods have shown themselves anytime recently?
Why do we need advanced scientific equipment to prove their existence? One of the funniest quotes from a Rick Riordan Greek mythology retelling is “You can’t throw a cat in Ancient Greece without hitting one of Zeus’s ex-girlfriends.”
If that’s true, why are there no reports of people seeing Zeus?
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Oh, that's understandable. I mean, even as a firm believer in the supernatural myself, I have my points of skepticism here and there, too. After all, there are definitely some videos that are 100% planned and staged, and you can easily tell whenever that is. However, there's still a good amount of solid paranormal evidence out there, though I simply hate when people capture those "spirit orbs". Frankly, I don't like those, as I prefer more compelling, believable footage, such as full-on apparitions, like shadow people. Even then, however, you have to keep in mind as to how complex our world and the human brain is, as some things may simply be normal things, turned strange by our brain, such as with pareidolia. Even then, there's still things that are clearly not hallucinations or tricks played by our brains, but real, genuine subjects of the paranormal. For example, I once saw this video that was practically impossible to be edited (it was a very old video, from a very old camera, from a time when video edits were basically impossible to do), and it showed a person filming their bedroom, where this big, black, shadowy mass formed right before the person's very eyes, and on camera, too. I don't know where to find the video again, as I watched it a pretty long while ago, but I remember the details. It was truly amazing, and to see how long and how much paranormal activity has been documented, well, it really interests me. And even if it's all not that real, you have to admit: It's opened several amazing doors in life; giving us great movies, video games, art, etc., etc.. Either way, it's really interesting to hear your own theories, along with to see how even you, a skeptic, can find that possessions and demonic beings may actually be real.
With that out of the way, however, I've thought the same things as you regarding these "gods" never showing themselves. If they really were real, especially since practically everybody knows about them anymore, then they'd probably show themselves to prove that and make the non-believers, well, believe. However, they haven't done shit, and so I stand strongly upon my hill of not believing in any "gods". The funniest part is that, even though "gods" don't show themselves, supernatural beings, like f**kin' demonic entities (things opposing "gods"), do. LOL.
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One of my favorite paranormal fictional show episodes I just watched for the first time last night - an episode of this show called Quantum Leap (highly recommend, very good and directly against racism, sexism, homophobia, and the likes and it came out in the 80s). The episode was called The Curse of Pta-Hotep, which followed archaeologists exploring the Egyptian tomb of Pta-Hotep the II
Disturbing his tomb cursed them all
“To any who disturbs the tomb of Pa-Hotep II, may death swallow him” was written on a wall in hieroglyphics
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Yeah, it’s a bit ironic tbh. And with paranormal stuff, I am a HUGE fan of movies and shows that do it right. When they make you keep guessing, and involve ghosts, curses, and the like, that’s when I really enjoy it.
And if energy did persist after death, I feel like the “physical” form would be spherical, but it could project itself as humanoid (or anything else, if it wanted too)
And don’t get me wrong, I’ve seen a lot of shows about people exploring paranormal activities with advanced scientific equipment, and they’ve found some extremely believable stuff.
One time I saw some people exploring a house where a person had been recorded to have died in a chair, and the temperature inexplicably dropped measurable amounts when they approached the chair.
I love paranormal things and, even if I’m skeptical, anything is possible
We simply know too little to rule out the possibilities
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Aw, I'm sorry to hear about your grandmother- I myself had somebody die due to cancer within my family, though it was just my childhood dog, whom of which I still really miss, even though I barely remember them /_ \ Either way, I really do wish you luck, and am glad that you're using your knowledge and luck for good things \^o^/
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Thanks, and sorry about your dog.
I don’t really remember my grandmother much, but from what I’ve heard I loved her as a baby and would love her now. I wish I really got to know her on a personal level.
I’d also really be able to relate to her, since she was a lesbian and I’m transfem with a preference for women.
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As somebody with chronophobia (the fear of time passing), I can't agree with you more. I love thinking about how time works and whatnot, even though it often gives me crippling anxiety, you know? I mean, I just hate thinking of how every second is a second wasted, if not used correctly. And no matter how you're using it, how do you even know if it's being used correctly? And when will our time come to an end? How much time are we really wasting? What if we had more time? If it went by slower? Does such a thing as 'time' really even exist? Those are just a few questions that come to mind whenever I think of the horror known as 'time'. I really do wish I could have a graph in order to help me out with understanding time, though it might just worsen my chronophobia, depending on how brutal the truth of time is 😬
But, yeah, it's apparently always been 'Looney Tunes'- Boggles my mind just trying to process that, haha. It's interesting to hear a personal experience of yours with the Mandela effect, as I can't quite remember any personal Mandela effects I experienced. Either way, I agree with you on the time paradox thing, as they truly are entertaining topics to think/talk about. If only it wasn't so confusing 👊😔
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Oh, wow, yeah, thinking about the crushing fact you only have so long of a life, that you will die someday, that’s crazy.
Exactly why I’m going into genetics. With all the recent discoveries like CRISPR I can probably cure cancer, HIV, and probably even extend the human lifetime.
I know I’ll die someday. But if I keep shoving that day forward before it can get to me, I can live a long, long life.
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Thank you for your condolences (❤´艸`❤) And the same goes to me with my dog as it goes to you with your grandmother, which is because my dog, too, died when I was really young, thus meaning that I don't even really know what they were like. Still, I would absolutely love to be able to have a pet dog again, though their death negatively impacted that chance of ever happening again o(TヘTo) Still, losing a human being is probably worse than losing a dog, and I don't want to come off as my situation being worse than your own.
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No, you’re not coming off that way. Losing a human is worse, but losing a dog does still sucks.
I never really met one of the cats we had because he died when I was young.
So much beautiful stuff I never got to do, sad.
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Ooh, I'm gonna have to watch this show once summer comes along and I actually have time to watch it- It does sound really interesting, after all *^____^* I can't wait to watch it for myself, see if I like it.
And yeah, the butterfly effect has a lot to be questioned about, but it does feel like it *could* be real. Like somebody actually went back in time, messed with some things, and they just altered reality in a way that we barely notice, or it was altered in a way to make us all think it's always been like that? It's hard to explain, as interesting as it is-
In regards to the Mandela Effect, I can't quite explain that either, though it's basically something really small, yet something a majority of us thought to be different before, like it, somehow, just changed overnight. Here are some examples of it though (it also does a good job with explaining what it is here, too):
Either way, the Mandela Effect is certainly one of my favorite kinds of paradoxes, too. After all, most examples of the Mandela Effect have actually just... left me speechless. For example, apparently it's "Looney Tunes", not "Looney Toons", unlike I had always believed it to be. My dad and I even watch that show together sometimes, and so it really makes me question reality since I had seen the name the wrong way for so long.
As for the rest of what you said, I'm a tad too tired to completely be able to process it all, but, yes, it's all very confusing. One little thing from the past could change not only our future, but our present time, creating a domino effect of sorts. Of course, I'm sure there are a bunch of things that make that nearly impossible, like what you said with the galaxies and how things are able to be changed and altered. To be honest here, I think I'd actually need a whole diagram laid out in front of me in order to be able to even *begin* wrapping my head around it due to how complex time and all works, but it's still very entertaining to think about.
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Yeah, time is so hard to comprehend yet so fun to ponder. And having a graph in front of you to show everything that would change would be really useful.
I’ve had a few things happen in my life that look like something changed as well. One day I woke up and noticed the chairs around our table have convex tops, when I have a strong memory of dragging my hand across a smooth, flat top of our chairs.
Time paradoxes are just so freaking cool, I could spend ALL FRIKIN DAY nerding out.
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Yeah, but I have yet to lose a human. I mean, I have lost people in my life before, but I was never really... sad about it? I don't know why, but I never cried at a funeral or found myself being down about them being gone. I have cried over my pet rabbit's death before, as well as my childhood dog's, but those are really the only deaths I remember crying over. Meanwhile, I never cried or felt sad when my childhood babysitter died, or when the husband of my grandparent's friend died, or when that friend of my grandparents died themselves. It was always just kind of like, "Oh. All right." Then again, I've had a lot of negative stuff happen to me as a kid, all done by people, which, in turn, gave me a bit of a lack of sympathy/empathy towards them. I don't know if I should feel bad about being unable to feel such emotions towards people, or maybe I just wasn't close enough to any of those people to even really feel genuinely sad about their passing.
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You shouldn’t feel bad for your feelings, most of the time they control you rather than the other way around. On top of that, we all experience death differently.
I’m glad you didn’t lose anyone close enough to you that you had strong negative emotions.
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Yeah, I know- That's why I have such a horrid fear of time, because it's just so insanely limited, once you think about it.
It's really interesting to hear about what you plan to do in the future, especially something like genetics! I mean, I myself nearly failed my biology class (which was mostly due to my teacher being an absolute, excuse my French, bitch), so no genetic career pathway for me --\(˙<>˙)/-- I do wish you luck in it, however, because from what I have learned, genetics sure aren't an easy to thing to conquer! I really hope you'll be able to do such things though, as it'd be an amazing medical breakthrough for the entire world (*^▽^*)
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Thanks, I’ll definitely need a lot of luck. But most of that’s taken care of already. I have a stable family, my parents make enough money to live with some decent luxury (though we are NOT rich, DEFINITELY not rich) and I’m mostly mentally healthy. I’ve even survived a nearly fatal wound without much permanent damage. Luck has been very kind to me, and I am very grateful for it. I just need a little bit more.
And time really is insanely limited. Our bodies and consciousness are so complexely layered with so much going on it’s hard to figure out how to reach a stable reality where we are self sufficient and have control over all energy in our universe.
Guess the mysteries of the highest levels of the Kardeshev scale are for another day.
I just have to live in the moment so I can get there.
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Huh, I haven't even heard of that show until now. However, I don't watch television all that much anymore, but I might check it out anyways, so thanks for the recommendation! Is it, like, a reality TV show, where they do actual investigations, or is it all fictional? I personally prefer the reality paranormal shows, but, if it's fictional, I might try and get into that kind, too. Either way, I also enjoy paranormal media, especially when they do it right, just like you said. I get that it can be rather difficult creating good-enough scares and a well-thought-out plot, but when those things *are* done right, it's just *mwah* chef's kiss 👌
As for how energy persists after death, I don't really have an opinion on it myself. I guess being a circle just uses the least amount of energy, as I have heard that, in order to show themselves physically, a lot of energy must be used. That's why, on paranormal shows, the batteries to the researchers' equipment seem to suddenly, you know, just drain out, as spirits often like to suck out battery energy in order to create their own.
But, yeah, there's definitely a lot of amazing, believable, and solid evidence to the paranormal out there, even if it comes in the form of a mere temperature drop. All in all, it's interesting as literal f**k, especially since it can't quite be explained.
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If it can’t be explained, that only makes it more interesting.
And the show Quantum Leap is fictional, but their paranormal episodes are great.
Basically, these people is trying to make time travel, but there aren’t any tangible results yet. So the main scientist decides to perform a premature test, which gets him stuck in the past living the lives of other people. His friend can show himself as a hologram and has information from a supercomputer about historical events. He’s there to change things for the better, by saving lives, marriages, jobs, and other things by altering the actions of past individuals.
For example, in one episode he leaps into the life of a black man with goals of both fighting racism and saving the life of a girl who died in a car crash. Before he tried to change things, she was refused treatment by the nearest hospital because the workers were racist and died on the way to another hospital.
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Exactly! Besides, I love the supernatural mostly because of how it simply can't be explained away that easily. Leaves a lot of room for your mind to speculate and build upon, which, as somebody with a mind that doesn't like to rest, is really enticing.
In regards to the Quantum Leap show, it sounds incredibly interesting, even if it is fictional! To me, personally, the concept is really engrossing, as I often wonder about what would happen if somebody managed to time travel to the past and change what happened in times long gone? It's a headache to think about, but still something that I often find myself wondering about anyways. After all, how one little thing from the past can affect something in the future (the butterfly effect) is kind of scary, but also an interesting little thing.
Who knows, maybe we've already managed to do such a thing, yet don't know about it? There is such a thing known as the 'Mandela Effect', and that just deepens such a topic.
Either way, I really like the concept behind Quantum Leap, especially since the main scientist is changing things for the better. After all, the ability to change things for the better is what I'm most enticed by in regards to time travel and such. Also, the example you provided is really sweet 🥺 I'm glad he and the girl were able to be helped, as it's a true shame as to how it turned out without the scientist's help. I really wish the people from the olden days weren't so horrible. I mean, denying somebody medical help just because of their skin color? Yeah, that's just about as immoral as immoral gets.
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Oh, if you like the butterfly effect and pondering all the weird stuff that could happen, you’re going to love a few of the episodes of Quantum Leap. In one episode, he has to keep a girl from failing her law school final, and ends up saving the project from losing funding. However, I often find myself pondering the realism of the butterfly effect. If it’s possible, we could do some really weird stuff, such as going back in time and causing a ripple in reality that causes your time machine to not have been made.
And this Mandela Effect you mentioned, if this is what I’m thinking it is that is my favorite kind of paradox. Is the Mandela Effect going back in time and changing something slightly so that your actions are then changed slightly and then that further changes them and it keeps going like this forever? That has so much potential and I can ponder what’s possible with that forever.
Personally, I’m with the statement that any action made in the past will have been part of the past to begin with, which causes nothing to be changed. So if you go back in time to prevent something you actually cause the exact outcome that occurred in the first place. This is because time is linear, and any change made in the past will ripple forwards into the future. However, if something gets in the way of that ripple, it can’t go any further. If I go back in time to kill someone, and someone else sends back a bodyguard for my target, I don’t kill them and then the future changes then the bodyguard saves them then the change reverts, the future never changes in the first place. However, if someone tries to go back in time and succeeds at their objective, and nobody stops them, they could cause a ripple that changes the future but not their ability to go back in time and do whatever they did. This would be a stable ripple. For example, you save your grandmother but send her to another galaxy and bring her back to this one when you return to the present. A few decades isn’t enough time for a ripple starting in another galaxy to reach and affect ours. But let’s say you cause a ripple that affects the present slightly and changes how you go about time traveling. This could spiral on for a long time until you reach a broken yet stable scenario, like a lantern hanging from gravel in Minecraft. It doesn’t make sense, but it’s happening. For example, you go back in time and are the sole reason your parents meet each other. That’s a paradox but is possible from a spiral.
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I'm very glad to hear that you have your life in order, as it's often very rare anymore, unfortunately ╯︿╰ And a near-fatal wound? All without much permanent damage? Man, luck really is on your side 😳
As for the time thing, you're right. It amazes me that we can even properly function day to day with how much is constantly going on with our minds and bodies, even if we're unaware of it. Either way, living in the moment is definitely a smart thing to do; too many people cling upon the past or become too worried about the future. All in all, living life for what it is, right in the moment, is the best thing to do, in my opinion.
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Yeah, luck really is on my side. Even more reason to go into genetics and fix the world for people who don’t have luck as much on their side. Especially cancer related things, I had a grandma who died of cancer when I was really young and I don’t want that to happen to people.
Though it probably wouldn’t cause too much of a butterfly effect if I went back in time and stole her body right before it was cremated and brought her back to life in the future
But before I think about crazy stuff like that I gotta get my genetics career going and make ppl live forever.
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I guess you are correct there; thank you. After all, I've always had a slight worry that there was something majorly wrong with me for not feeling sorrow over the death of people, so that's a refreshing point of view to have *^____^* But, yeah, for the most part, my family and I are all relatively healthy, thus I don't see any of us dying any time soon 😅
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Well that’s good, there’s are a lot worse of things that could be happening to you
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I could go on about it all day, honestly, but I'll stop there since I actually ran out of room, lmao. And about the racist thing you flagged, yet didn't get taken down, that's just... wow. Imgflip really has stooped to new lows. It's a true shame, smh. I mean, I very slightly somewhat get how they could find that a *tiny* bit humorous, but, really? C'mon man, keep that type of humor to yourself. After all, what the Hell are you getting out of it? A few internet points? Wow, great job, that did literally nothing more than give you a few measly little points and go to show how horrible of a person you are. What the f**k do you want? A f**king gold statue??? Smh 🤦‍♂️
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Yeah, they said they made it to entertain and “what is wrong with hurting one person if it doesn’t affect you”
Bruh by that logic literally every crime ever is okay
Made up points on a random website aren’t worth more than being an actual decent human being
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Wow, what wondrous entertainment; discriminating against others solely based off of the color of their skin 🙄 Well, fun fact for ya!: The very first humans had *dark* skin, *not* light skin. After all, light skin is simply a mutation, as when people migrated to places with low UV radiation, a light skin pigmentation was developed to protect against vitamin D depletion. Henceforth, racist white people are basically just offended because they weren't "first and foremost", and are trying to change history because they're dead-ass a bunch of sore, lame f**king losers.
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Tbh it would make more sense if racism was black superior, though I think it developed through Americans and other countries “wanting to protect what is rightfully theirs”
Bruh just because you’re not white doesn’t mean you’re a threat
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I know, right??? I really don't understand how people can get the facts so upside down and backwards like that, lmao 🤦‍♂️
2 ups, 2y,
10 replies
People believe what their parents told them
Their parents believe what their parents told them
Going all the way back to outdated and ridiculous views (such as racism, sexism, homophobia, etc.)
2 ups, 2y,
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Yeah, but people really need to break out of those outdated views, even if they're told otherwise. After all, wisdom doesn't always come with age, so just because an older person says "Gay people are bad!!!", doesn't mean it's true (and it's not true). Like, my English teacher, who is super amazing, mind you, grew up with openly homo/transphobic parents. Despite that, however, she is literally one of the sweetest, kindest, and *most accepting* person I've ever met, which is because she decided to look past those outdated views. Imagine if she hadn't done such, for she'd probably some really rude, stuck-up teacher, which would be horrid. But, no, she decided to make a change and accept people for who they are, and I respect that with my life. After all, she's practically saved my life, as she's helped me with a lot of things regarding my coming out and whatnot.
2 ups, 2y
That’s amazing
I’m glad you have someone so close to you that backs you up and helps you out, everyone needs someone like that in their life
And that’s what people need to do. When we’re told something is wrong, we must ask “why?” and if the answer does not involve any threat in any way, what’s the problem with it?
Am I hurting anyone by not wanting to be male? No! So why should anyone have a problem with it?
It’s sad that people have so much blind faith in their parents. I mean, I have great parents, so I can’t complain, but people need to be able to think for themselves from a very young age instead of just instinctually trusting parents.
My entire rant about parents can be summed up in 12 words: if you are told something is wrong, ask “why?” Think for yourself.
1 up, 2y,
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Thank you very much (❁´◡`❁) And it is? I always thought that getting published would be something rather big and complex, so it's good to know that it's not! As for the summer job thing, it probably is a nice way to make money, though I don't know that for sure quite yet ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
1 up, 2y
No problem!
And about publishing, I got self published with Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing. Basically, I edit my book, send it to them, give them bank information, social security number, email, all that stuff, and they get back to me in a few days that it’s available for purchase on Amazon.
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Yeah, I really do wish everybody could have somebody like my teacher in their life, as it's always comforting to have a helping hand; a guide through the darkness. Unfortunately, things just don't seem to always work that way. Nevertheless, everybody deserves to be happy, and so it truly breaks my heart seeing how not everybody can get such support and encouragement. The world is really in some of its best, yet most troubling times, as of current. It'd probably be a lot better if more people thought like you, you know? I mean, we really need to start looking past what the olden days have forced into our minds. After all, it's a *new* day, a *new* age. Hence, it's time to harvest the new fruit, instead of keeping a diet that consists of only the old and rotten fruit. Besides, just like you said, the life of being gay, or trans, or bisexual, or anything else on the LGBTQ+ spectrum, does nothing to harm others. People really need to pull their heads out of their asses instead of getting offended over other people's literal *happiness*. I don't think it's that hard, to just accept people for who they are, as long as they aren't causing any actual harm, you know? It's honestly really simple, and the fact that people can't even do that, is a true shame. Henceforth, you are a 100% correct: People really need to start asking "Why?", along with actually start thinking for themselves.
1 up, 2y
Yeah, times are changing. And if people can’t change themselves to accept new ideas, then they’re pretty stubborn. And if those hateful ideas get passed down by parents, then we might end up needing a drastic change to prevent hate from persevering.
And the thing is, these aren’t even new ideas. There are tons of ancient historical recordings of lgbtq+ people. Ancient groups such as Greeks and Egyptians had lgbtq+ gods and supported people who were lgbtq+. I think I heard somewhere that gay men in the Greek army were valued over straight ones, because “if you like men, it makes you more manly” which I think is a bit sexist but at least they support gay.
And I’m pretty sure they supported trans too.
Now that I think about it, a ton of historical groups supported lgbtq+, so why do we still get hate?
Certified bruh moment
1 up, 2y,
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That's all really interesting to learn about, as I never knew how much the LGBTQ+ Community was represented in the past. Really makes you wonder how, if that's how things were back then, how did things become the way they are today? We may never know 🤷‍♂️
Also, super sorry for such a late response; I was taking a break from imgflip for a while, as I just started a new semester in school and needed to settle into that, which meant I needed to cut off my biggest distractions for a while (especially since I now have Geometry, which I hate).
1 up, 2y
It’s fine, I can understand needing to take a break.
Ugh, Geometry. I didn’t like that either. Glad I got that out of the way already, now I can take cool high school classes like robotics!
You’re right though, if people were so accepting then, wtf happened? I mean, Egyptians illegalized our community and have gay, lesbian, trans, and I think even non-binary and aro and/or ace religious figures!
1 up, 2y,
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Thank you, lol.
But- But you had to do *that* much work? Jeez- To be honest, I think they went a little overboard there (´。_。`) And *I* used to get stressed out over having to do, like... 10-15 questions in last year's online math course, lmao- /_ \
They say that the more you do something, the better you'll get at it, but, nah... It just makes you hate it more. I'm sorry that they made you do such an overwhelming amount of work, dear gosh ( ´・・)ノ(._.`)
1 up, 2y
It wasn’t overwhelming, really, I got it done. And my math teacher was really chill and we had a few 1 on 1 meetings a week to talk about material.
But math was one of the only things in my day that took a long time. Most of my stuff took under 20 minutes if I didn’t get it done during a meeting. And I spent so much time in meetings playing geometry dash because I was ahead on Thebes assignment we were doing in the meeting.
If I remember correctly, the only hard parts were math and- I forget the name, but was mostly about writing, and pe. But I had a special deal with the teacher. I write 4-5 thousand words a week for a book, and I don’t have to do all the little assignments, instead one big one. For pe I ran on an elliptical for 30 minutes. My writing took 30 minutes. I just took my chromebook out to the garage and wrote while running.
And writing is so much fun. Not only did I enjoy it, I’ve made money from being a published author!
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Hmmm, I've never even heard of that publishing company before- Thanks for telling me about it though; I'll look into it when I have the time and a good book to think about publishing *^____^*
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I don't know much about Egypt, as studying History has never been my greatest interest, though it is rather unfortunate to hear that they devolved into hate, too ╯︿╰
And it is pretty nice being in High School, as it just means that I'm closer to graduating school entirely 🤠 However, I'm sorry to hear how hard Geometry was for you, as it certainly can be a struggle if your resources and teachers aren't helpful ☹ That reminds me of the time I took Digital Photography; I've always had an interest in becoming a photographer, but due to how horrid that class was, I just lost all interest in it. As for the shorter assignments thing, I wish all assignments were short, too, lol. Whenever an assignment that's too long comes up, I'll just... not do it 🤷‍♂️ I mean, this one assignment dead-ass wanted me to dig up dirt, then put it in a jar of water in order to measure how many different kinds of dirt there were? Uh, yeah... Sorry, but I'm not doing that :\
And thanks for calling me 'responsible', even though I'm just about anything but 😶 I just like being able to do my classes the easiest I can, which means taking breaks. If you couldn't already tell, I'm the type of person who tries to do things the easiest way possible, haha. I guess being that type of person does come in handy, though.
1 up, 2y
Working to do things the easiest way possible is really smart, good job on that.
Also, my geometry resources were very helpful, it’s just that the problems were ridiculous.
“Prove these triangles are congruent and show EVERY FRICKING STEP”
I hate showing work so much, and all my problems required literally every step to be shown and explained. They just took forever. For example, 20-30 problem assignments PLUS 10 problems that take 10 minutes each
1 up, 2y,
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Yeah, that's actually what I'm kind of planning to do (*^-^*) However, I also kind of want to get a part-time job during the summer, too, which will take up my writing time 😬 But good luck with your Twitch thing!
1 up, 2y
Thanks! And good luck for your writing, getting published is easier than you think.
And a summer job is a good idea, I’ve also been thinking about that, nice way to make some money.
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It's good to hear that it wasn't as bad as I thought it was, and that your teacher was nice enough to do those things for you. I completely understand as to why math would still be one of the longest things for you to take doing, as even though I myself am fairly good at geometry and have rather short assignments, it can still take me about an hour or so to show all my work and make sure everything is done correctly 😶
Anyways, you sound like you really knew what you were doing in school, unlike me, lol. In Middle School, I once went to English twice in the same day, which is because I got mixed up between my classes and ended up in English two times 😭🤚 I was never the sharpest pencil in the box, however, so I don't really mind it. Just makes a stupid little memory that you can look back at and laugh at; no harm done.
I agree with you on the writing part, as I myself have writing as a *huge* hobby. In Middle School, I actually wrote a whole book series, that of which had twelve books in it- Unfortunately, I wrote them all in notebooks, which means I can't really upload them or anything, as taking pictures of my carpy handwriting and every single page of every single book would be a nightmare 😬 I did have a lot of fun writing that series, however, but am now working on other works of mine. But you made money from being a published author? Man, I've always wanted to make money that way, and my dad always tried to find me publishing companies but, alas, I have not yet found any way to make money from my works 👊😔 I don't really care anymore, however, because I've been kinda falling out of writing anyways, which is due to school getting in the way and yada yada yada.
1 up, 2y
Well spring break and summer are coming up, you can always start then
I took a break from writing but I’m gonna continue in summer and spend spring break trying out twitch, I have so many Xbox recordings I can make over three videos
1 up, 2y,
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Thank you for understanding, as my break from imgflip lasted a lot longer than I was expecting, lol.
Though I don't like Geometry either, it at least started off easy, but has been getting pretty difficult as of late 😬 I'm just thankful for the quizzes and exams being so short, as it means a lot less work and worriment. In addition to that, the lessons are also very short, yet incredibly informational. All in all, Geometry isn't as bad as I was expecting and, actually, it's Economics that's now becoming the major issue- Gosh, I hate that class. At least the teacher is nice. Anyways, I also get to take those funner High School classes (I mean, I *am* in High School, after all), which currently are Forestry and Natural Resources, and Public Speaking. I like them both, as they're very interesting to me, yet simple.
And as much as I wish I could know as to what the Hell happened, I, unfortunately, do not know. All I know is that I wish we could have taken after the Egyptians, as they seemed like good, fun people. I mean, they managed to make beautiful art carved into stone, build entire temples, and all that other stuff. They also seemed to be incredibly smart, which is probably why they had LGBTQ+ religious figures and all, meanwhile our modern-day dumbasses just hate people for being who they are 🤦‍♂️
1 up, 2y
Yeah, I don’t know what happened with people either.
Somehow even Egypt devolved into hate.
But at least you’re in high school. I took Geometry last year in 8th grade and because online school was really stressful and geometry was hard I didn’t get too much time to myself
I wish my assignments were short, they would take like 2-3 hours 😆
But taking a break is really responsible of you. It shows you’re smart enough to know when to stop doing what you love so you can do what you need, and that’s an amazing life skill to have.
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