Indeed. I was very impressed by their performance. This is now officially a three-party system!
The Conservative Party of Imgflip (CPI): Formerly the Right Unity Party (RUP), the major right-wing conservative political party, and supported by the AAA. Top members include IncognitoGuy, Pollard, Fak_u_lol, USA_Patriot, Firestar9990, Datdeus, cityarcade, and HomerD.
The Common Sense Party (CSP): Two halves: first half are anti-CPI voters who supported the Pepe Party and claim to be right-libertarian (e.g. Olympian, Andrew, Surly, Hookers & Richard). Second half are very left-wing users like sloth and randomness. United in October out of opposition to the RUP.
The Imgflip Unity Party (IUP): Libertarian third-party of left-leaning voters unsatisfied with the two major parties. Top members include F1Fan, crazyscientistfarmer, League_Of_Jay, and Confustionthetree.