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Role play!!

737 views 4 upvotes Made by roleplaynerd 3 years ago in Role_Play
0 ups, 3y,
52 replies
made w/ Imgflip meme maker
???: What are you selling?
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Moss: *puts hand on chin* how else can you get hiccups?
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Katherine: Just randomly
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Moss: hmmm *grabs one more pancake and eats it fast*
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Katherine: *laughs a little*
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Moss: *says with mouthful* trying to get hiccups
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Katherine: Oh, I see, good luck
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Moss: *swallows and frowns* nope
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Katherine: Just wait a little
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Moss: *waits a few second and hiccups, puts his hands up in victory* I got them!
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Katherine: Yay! *claps*
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Moss: Are you sure? You sounded like you were really mad
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Katherine: I'll be fine....
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Moss: Okay, if you need anything, im here
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Katherine: Do-do you have any questions for me?
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Moss: who were you talking to?
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Katherine: My parents...
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Moss: oh… I’m sorry
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Katherine: don't be, we haven't been on good terms in a long time
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Moss: If you dont mind me asking, what happened?
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Katherine: My parents are mad at me for going to an art college and they want me to switch and at a I won't switch because of Violet
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Moss: hiccups are weird
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Katherine: Agreed . . . *hic*
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Moss: What else can you do to get rid of them?
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Katherine: Wait
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Moss: They go away on there own?!
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Katherine: *hic* Yes
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Moss: *shook*
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Katherine: You ok?
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Moss: hiccups are sooooooooooo cool
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Katherine: They're just annoying
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Moss: sweet thanks dude *cuts hair*
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Katherine: You sure you know what your doing
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Moss: Eeeeeeeeeeehhhh, to be honest, not really
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Katherine: Here lemme help *gives him a good haircut
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Moss: woah, did you go to school for this or smt?
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Katherine: No, I'm an artis though
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Moss: Dang, you must be good then
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Katherine: I suppose
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Moss: Can I see some of your art?
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Katherine: Oh, sure, all the art hung up in the house is mine
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Moss: Ok, try and guess what i'm painting. *paints a picture of himself with his parents blurred*
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Katherine: it's a picture of you and
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Moss: Well, I guess you could say that
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Katherine: Whay do you mean?
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Moss: I don't really consider them my family anymore
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Katherine: Oh, an I allowed to ask why?
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Moss: ... they abused me
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Katherine: I'm so sorry, my parents yelled at me a lot, we aren't very close anymore
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Moss: I'm sorry to. My parents were terrible to me physically, but that still doesn't give any excuse to any other parents to mentally abuse their child
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Katherine: I wouldn't classify it as abuse but it definitely stuck with me...
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Moss: I mean... it is a little *laughs softly*
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Katherine: I *hic* Know
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Moss: How do you get them to stop?
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Katherine: Drink something, plug your ears, and swallow
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Moss: weeeeeeeird
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Katherine: Hmm *does it*
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Moss: Did it work?
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Katherine: I think so . . . *hic* Nope
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Moss: hmmm...
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Katherine: It doesn't always work but it usually does
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Moss: True... ok, where do i start?
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Katherine: Well first you need a canvas but we'll start with something small *she gets out a paper and watercolor paints*
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Moss: Just a heads up, im not the best. I haven't drawn in a few monthes at best
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Katherine: Well, we're not drawing
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Moss: Ok, this should be a challenge then...
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Katherine: Ok, paint something
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Moss: Ok, *trys to paint flower* hows this?
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Katherine: Not...terrible
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Moss: its bad isn't it?
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Katherine: I mean yeah but it's not the worst I've seen
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Moss: THANK YOUUUU*eats them*
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Katherine: Your welcome *sits down with her own pancakes*
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Moss: yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
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Katherine: you like?
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Moss: no, I LOVE
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Katherine: *laughs* Good, I'm glad your enjoying them
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Moss: *continues to scarf them down*
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Katherine: Slow down! You're going to get the hiccups!
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Moss: *stops for a brief second and says with mouthful* im immune!
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Katherine: You cannot be immune to hiccups! It's impossible
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Moss: *looks at feet*
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Katherine: Nervous!
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Moss: Yeah a little
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Katherine: Its alright, don't be!
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Moss: Whenever i meet new people i just cant help but to be, i dont know why
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Katherine: Its just being an introvert, I'm one too don't worry, I'm just a friendly introvert!
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Moss: Yeah, that sums it up pretty well
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Katherine: Mhm!
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Moss: is it bad to be afraid of adults?
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Katherine: Yeah
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Moss: *gets up and follows music*
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-Its coming from behind a closed door-
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Moss: *peeks inside*
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Katherine: *is working on a painting*
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Moss: *watches through crack in door*
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-the painting is a realistic of a panda, it's really good-
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Moss: *whispers* woah
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Katherine: *looks behind her* Oh, hello
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Moss: *ducks behind door then opens it and steps in* hi, sorry to bother you, I just heard music and, that painting, it’s beautiful
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Katherine: Its alright, and thank you!
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Moss: Who's violet?
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Katherine: My uhhhhh. . . . . . . . . Friend......
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Moss: You mean your... giiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirl frieeeeeeeeeeeeend?
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Katherine: *turns red* Y-you saw pictures of us didn't you!
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Moss: *gremlin smile* Maybe I did, maybe I didnt
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Katherine: *still blushing* Y-yes, she is my . . . girlfriend
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Moss: I knew it!
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Katherine: *blushing not realizing she's still talking*Shes the best girlfriend in the whole world and I don't deserve her.
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Moss: awwwww
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Katherine: *covers her mouth for I second* I- . . Uhm, I didn't -
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Moss: ohhh its fine. I saw some of your paintings
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Katherine: Ahhh, so you did some exploring huh?
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Moss: ye :3
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Katherine: I have a game that I Think you might like
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Moss: What is it?
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Katherine: It's called Clue
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Moss: :o go on
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Katherine: *explains the game, bro I'm not explaining clue on one comment*
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Katherine: I'll go get it *leaves*
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Moss: I won’t! have a good day!
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-she's already gone bro-
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-just like my dad-
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-don't you have two moms?-
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-then your dad can't be gone if he never existed -
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Moss: *wanders around the house*
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-still lots of artwork, there are some pictures with Katherine and another girl -
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Moss: same, night dude
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Katherine: Goodnight Moss *goes to bed*
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Moss: *goes into the living room and sleeps on couch*
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-when you wake up Katherine is already making breakfast -
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Moss: *wakes up from the smell of food* mmmm something smells good
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Katherine: I made pancakes!
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Moss: yessssssss
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Katherine: They're chocolate chip
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Moos: Believe it or not, I've never actually had chocolate chips
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Katherine: You've never-? Well I'm sure you'll like it
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Moss: *swallows* ive never had them
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Katherine: Well you're very lucky, I get them all the time
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Moss: do they hurt?
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Katherine: No! Of course they don't hurt
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Moss: what do they feel like?
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Katherine: It's your diaphragm moving up and down
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Moss: My what?
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Katherine: Diaphragm
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Moss: whats that?
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Katherine: It's your - hmmm, I'm not sure how to explain jt
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Moss: huh. My next thought was going to be the paint wasn’t wet enough but yeah, I can see that
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Katherine: Paint isn't set enough...? Whatever, I can fix it after this cost dries
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Moss: but I think it looks great
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Katherine: Thank you but it's not perfect
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Moss: I don’t think any painting in the world is perfect, no matter how hard anyone try’s, there will always be a flaw
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Katherine: Hmm
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Moss: what?
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Katherine: Nothing
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Moss: *shrugs and begins painting on his paper*
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Katherine: Try making that line a little darker
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Moss: I live in an abandoned treehouse a few miles from here
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Katherine: That's not a house...
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Moss: Close enough to one *Laughs a little*
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Katherine: come live with me
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Moss: *Stunned* wait... really? Like, this isn't a joke or anything?
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Katherine: O f course not!
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Moss: I don't know...
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Katherine: It's your decision
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Moss: I mean, I would love to but, would it be okay?
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Katherine: Of course! I live alone so I get lonely.
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Moss: psh, yeah right!
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Katherine: Yeah, I'm right
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Moss: so what? I mean, your only what, 16? And you could paint the Mona Lisa is you wanted!
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Katherine: I'm 19 and I'm not that talented
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Moss: umm, hello? People would pay thousands for your artwork! Mine looks like a 6 year old painted it *shows her a painting he did on a very distorted looking panda*
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Katherine: It's not worth thousands and the only reason yours looks like a 6 year old painted it,is because you have the painting experience of a 6 year old
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Moss: *laughs* thats the best thing ive heard all day
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Katherine: Sorry, that was rude
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Moss: Its fine. Your not wrong *smiles*
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Katherine: Heh, true
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Moss: sweet! *gets a few pieces of paper and paints*
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Katherine: *keeps painting* Its not right...
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Moss: what?
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Katherine: The painting, sometimes off
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Moss: I think it looks amazing
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Katherine: Thank you, but. . . I don't know what it is...
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Moss: *looks at it and snaps his fingers* the eyes are just a little bit to small and spread apart
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Katherine: no... I know!
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Moss: what is it?
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Katherine: The bamboo is discolored
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Moss: sweeeeeeet!
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Katherine: *laughs* You're funny
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Moss: I get it from my parents *laughs*
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Katherine: Yeah, that's where I got my cooking skills from
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Moss: well then, your parents must be Gordon Ramsay
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Katherine: . . . My mom is Italian and my dad is Asian bro what the heck
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Moss: oops… sorry
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Katherine: It's ok
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Moss: *awkward silence*
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Katherine: I'm gonna head to bed
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Moss: woah these are *hic* weird
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Katherine: *laughs*
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Moss: hey make *hic* my voice sound *hic* funny
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Katherine: Indeed
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Moss: *hic* hehehehe
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Katherine: *smiles*
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Moss: *hiccups more* Okay so how *hic* do you get rid *hic* of them again?
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Katherine: Drink something, plug your ears, then swallow
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Moss: *he does as she says and the hiccups stop* hey, it worked! And looks like yours are gone to!
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Katherine: They are
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Moss: i mean compared to what i call home its way better
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Katherine: Good point *unlocks the door and opens it* After you!
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Moss: *steps into house* woah, i know I haven't been in an actual house for a while, but this is cool
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Katherine: That's kinda sad...
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Moss: What?
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Katherine: That you haven't been in a house in a whild
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Moss: Id say about two years?
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Katherine: That's a long time...
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Moss: Not long enough. I should've left my parents a long time ago
0 ups, 3y
Katherine: True
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Moss: Hmmm... *marks off revolver* your turn
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Katherine: Professor Plum
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Moss: hehehehehe thats a fun name
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Katherine: indeed
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Moss: *pulls another card*
(Idk how this game works)
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-timeskip to when games over-
(Yeah you're not playing it right at all)
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Moss: aww man, I can’t believe I lost! Rematch!
(LOL I forgot how to play clue)
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Katherine: Nope! I can't risk losing to you
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Moss: You're like, the master at this game
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Katherine: I just have experience
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Moss: Sweet! when will they be ready?
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Katherine: about ten seconds
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Katherine: Woah there, calm donw
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Katherine: How much do you like pancakes?
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Moss: sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much
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Katherine: Well, they're ready
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Moss: *sits down at table egerly*
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Katherine: *gives him a plate with some pancakes* There you are!
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Moss: Sweet!
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Katherine: Yeah
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Moss: Can I see your other artwork?
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Katherine: Oh, anything you see in my house is my work
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Moss: do you sculpt?
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Katherine: On occasion
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Moss: What do you make?
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Katherine: . . . Art?
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Moss: I mean, sculpture wise
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Katherine: Uhh, whatever I feel like that day
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???: nothing much, just some marbles, jars, a leather wallet, crystals, and some handmade necklaces and bracelets
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???: What would you accept for a bracelet?
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what do you have to offer? im free to anything
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???: Uhh, I have some money...20 dollars
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???: Dang! You could buy my whole table for 20 dollers!
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???: I don't need the whole table but you can have the 20 dollars
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???: No, i insist. At least take a bracelet, its the least i could do
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???: *takes the bracelet and gives them the 20) why are you selling these things?
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???: i needed a way to make a living, so i sell random junk to make a profit.
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???: Aww, you look young to be doing that, how old are you?
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Moss: *nods and does*
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Katherine: See, doesn't that look better?
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Moss: it does! Wow your a pro
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Katherine: That's the goak
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Moss: a what?
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(Goal, type-o)
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Moss: but you already are basically a pro!
(Lol it’s fine)
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Katherine: A lot of artists are better than me
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Moss: I bet no artist could paint that! *points to the panda*
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Katherine: Yeah, they'd probably paint it better
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Moss: *laughs* what else should I try?
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Katherine: What about a house?
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Moss: Sounds good to me! *Paints a picture of his old house*
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Katherine: It looks better than the last one
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Moss: Really? Huh, i guess I draw better trama pictures then nice ones *laughs akwardly*
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Katherine: T-trauma?
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Moss: Yeah... you okay?
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Katherine: Yeah, are you?
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Moss: ... *nervously changes subject* anyway what should I paint next
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Katherine: hmmm... you can chose
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Moss: man, I could've sworn you bought that from a professional
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Katherine: I am a professional
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Moss: No kidding! Where did you learn to paint?
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Katherine: I go to an art school, we learn all art there but I'm big on animating
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Moss: Could... could you teach me how to paint?
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Katherine: Yes, I could
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Moss: :0 really?
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Katherine: Yup!
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Moss: Thank you! maybe, we can work together and start a buisness?
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Katherine: Woah woah, slow down there, it's gonna take a while for you to get good and the most business I do is well my work on ebay
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Moss: *he stands by the doorway, listening*
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Katherine: *yelling* Its none of your business what college I go to!
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Moss: *he flinches a little but continues listening*
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Katherine: *yelling again* don't bring her into this! I made the decision before I even met her!!
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Moss: who is she talking about?
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Katherine: *still yelling* She only switched to my college because she cares about me!!! *hangs up*
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Moss: *he ducks out of the doorway* oh man...
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Katherine: I know you're there, come in...
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Moss: *he stands in the doorway* what was all that about?
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Katherine: You don't need to worry about it, I have it under control...
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Moss: *continues eating pancakes like there's no tomorrow*
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Katherine: *watches him*
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Moss: *finishes* yummmmmmmmmmmm
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Katherine: They're still just pancakes
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Moss: Pancakesssssssssssssssssssssss
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Katherine: *hiccup*
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Moss: looks like someone ate too fast
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Katherine: Oh hush you
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Moss: *giggles*
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Katherine: It's not *hic* funny!
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Moss: dang! I don’t think I could have THAT much patience.
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Katherine: *laughs* It gives you time to think, you don't have to rush, unless it's a school project of course
0 ups, 3y,
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Moss: yeah, i don’t have a job or go to school so maybe I could take up painting as a hobby
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Katherine: You could!
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Moss: I just don’t have any supplies. If I could go back to the treehouse and get my earnings, I bet I could buy a paint set
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Katherine: No, you can use your money for something more important, I can lend you are supplies
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Moss: are you sure?
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Katherine: Positive!
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Moss: thank you so much! Do you think I could paint with you?
0 ups, 3y
Katherine: Yeah!
0 ups, 2y,
1 reply
Moss: *eats them* d e l i c i o u s
0 ups, 2y,
1 reply
Katherine: there just pancakes
0 ups, 2y,
1 reply
Moss: Pancakes=life
0 ups, 2y,
1 reply
Katherine: Those are some priorities
0 ups, 2y,
1 reply
Moss: *thinking* Priorities=pancakes
0 ups, 2y,
1 reply
Katherine: *laughs*
0 ups, 2y,
1 reply
Moss: *chaotic gremlin laugh*
0 ups, 2y,
1 reply
Katherine: funny laugh
0 ups, 2y,
1 reply
Moss: :3
0 ups, 2y
Katherine: :)
0 ups, 2y,
1 reply
Moss: is it like your vocal chords?
0 ups, 2y,
1 reply
Katherine: Kind of, just go with that
0 ups, 2y,
1 reply
Moss: Okay then
0 ups, 2y,
1 reply
Katherine: *finishes her pancakes*
0 ups, 2y,
1 reply
Moss: *finishes* got any more?
0 ups, 2y,
1 reply
Katherine: Yeah, they're right on the counter
0 ups, 2y,
1 reply
Moss: *looks over at the pancakes* can i have some?
0 ups, 2y,
1 reply
Katherine: Yes of course
0 ups, 2y,
1 reply
Moss: *eagerly grabs two more*
0 ups, 2y
Katherine: *laughs*
0 ups, 2y,
1 reply
Moss: You really love her, huh?
0 ups, 2y,
1 reply
Katherine: Yes, so much
0 ups, 2y,
1 reply
Moss: awwwwwwww
0 ups, 2y,
1 reply
Katherine: Oh quiet you, like you've never had feelings for someone before
0 ups, 2y,
1 reply
Moss: Eh, use to
0 ups, 2y,
1 reply
Katherine: Exactly, so you must know how I feel
0 ups, 2y,
1 reply
Moss: *sighs* I do
0 ups, 2y,
1 reply
Katherine: See
0 ups, 2y,
1 reply
Moss: *gremlin grin* Why didnt you tell me about vioooooooolet?
0 ups, 2y
Katherine: *blushes* the topic never came up, also she's supposed to come over later today
0 ups, 2y,
1 reply
Moss: :3
0 ups, 2y,
1 reply
Katherine: You have one infectious smile *smiles*
0 ups, 2y,
1 reply
Moss: ^w^
0 ups, 2y,
1 reply
Katherine: *keeps smiling*
0 ups, 2y,
1 reply
Moss: *derpy sounds*
0 ups, 2y,
1 reply
Katherine: *giggles*
0 ups, 2y,
1 reply
Moss: :3
0 ups, 2y,
1 reply
Katherine: What time is it? Oh goodness I have to go to school
0 ups, 2y,
1 reply
Moss: shoot! Sorry!
0 ups, 2y
Katherine: It's ok, I'll be back around 4, don't break anything please *leaves*
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Moss: Fair enough. Think I could try sometime?
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Katherine: Sure!
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Moss: Thanks! :)
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Katherine: Anytime!
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Moss: *yawns* Hey, do you have a spare bed/bedroom I could crash in?
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Katherine: Right down that hall there
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Moss: Sweet, thanks! *heads to bedroom but leaves the door open*
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Katherine: *you hear her go upstairs*
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Moss: *laying on bed and staring at ceiling*
0 ups, 3y
-there is quiet music from upstairs -
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Moss: ...
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Katherine: Why'd you ask
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Moss: well... its just that... nevermind its nothing
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Katherine: You can tell me
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Moss: Lets just say that my parents aren't the best people ever...
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Katherine: Aww, I'm sorry to hear that, my parents are nice enough but aren't super proud of me
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Moss: My parents were abusive, one of the reasons i ran away
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Katherine: Oh, I'm sorry, well you don't have to worry about them anymore
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Moss: I hope...
0 ups, 3y
Katherine: *bumps his shoulder* Be happy! You'll I've better
0 ups, 2y,
1 reply
Moss: *admires the art*
0 ups, 2y,
1 reply
-you suspect that Katherine and this girl may be dating -
0 ups, 2y,
1 reply
Moss: *smiles* she's lucky
0 ups, 2y,
1 reply
-you hear Katherine coming in the door around 4-
0 ups, 2y,
1 reply
Moss: :0 *waiting by the window*
0 ups, 2y,
1 reply
Katherine: *comes in* Hello
0 ups, 2y,
1 reply
0 ups, 2y,
1 reply
Katherine: *laughs* I missed you too, how was your day
0 ups, 2y,
1 reply
Moss: It was so boring without you around
0 ups, 2y
Katherine: if I wasn't in such a hurry I would've pointed out some things you could do, sorry
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Moss: *continues working on his painting*
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Katherine: *keeps working on hers*
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Moss: Do you have any other hobbies?
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Katherine: Uhh, drawing?
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Moss: I mean besides art. Do you like cooking?
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Katherine: Uhh, I don't like nor dislike it, I'm just good at it
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Moss: well, what do you like to make?
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Katherine: I make lots of Italian and Asian food
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Moss: :0 I would love to try it sometime!
0 ups, 3y
Katherine: I'll be sure to make some for you
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Moss: Do you mind if I take a shower?
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Katherine: If course not!
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Moss: Thanks, where is the bathroom?
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Katherine: Right down the hall to the left
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Moss: thank you! *goes into the bathroom and turns on water*
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Moss: *turns water off, grabs a towel and yells* sorry for asking but do you have any spare clothes?
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Katherine: Yes, I'll go get them
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Moss: Thank you!
0 ups, 3y
Katherine: Uhh, how do you want me to give them to you?
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Moss: *smiles* yeah, i should be happy :)
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Katherine: Good *smiles*
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Moss: So how much farther?
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Katherine: We're almost there!
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Moss: Oh good because my feet are getting tired
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Katherine: *laughs*
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Moss: *looks at a house* Is this it?
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Katherine: Yup!
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Moss: It looks so pretty
0 ups, 3y
Katherine: Thank you! It's not much but Its home.
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Moss: *laughs* I bet you do
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Katherine: this is making me so angry in so many ways
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Moss: ok, how would you paint it?
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Katherine: Here, watch *she paints it, it's very good*
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Moss: *watches technique* Ahhh i see what I was doing wrong
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Katherine: Yeah
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Moss: Can I try again?
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Katherine: Of course!
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Moss: *takes brush and paints the robin but better this time*
0 ups, 3y
Katherine: Much better
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Moss: well in that case I would love to!
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Katherine: Come!
0 ups, 3y,
2 replies
Moss: *Shoves everything into pockets and follows Katherine*
0 ups, 3y
Moss: do you live close to here?
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Katherine: I hope you like it!
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Moss: Trust me, i will. Last time i was in a house it... didn't end well
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Katherine: What happened?
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Moss: I used to live with my parents. but long story short, they kicked me out because i am trans
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Katherine: Aww, I'm sorry, I'm queer so being trans won't be a problem here!
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Moss: good to hear :)
0 ups, 3y
Katherine: *smiles*
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
???: Im 18. i dont think i told you my name yet. My name's moss, what about you?
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
???: Oh, my bad, I'm Katherine
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Moss: Nice to meet you Katherine.
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Katherine: You too!I
(Check your phone dude)
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Moss: So... whats up?
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Katherine: The sky
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Moss: *Laughs a little* Well its getting late so i better pack up shop and go back to my... *Stops and thinks* House...
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Katherine: Do you have a house?
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Moss: I mean... sort of... not really
0 ups, 3y
Katherine: Where do you live?
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Moss: Im sorry...
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Katherine: Its ok, it wasn't your fault
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Moss: I mean, It kind of was. The only reason they hate me is because I'm trans
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Katherine: Oh, that's sad
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Moss: Meh, people have it worse
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Katherine: True
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Moss: so, what should I paint next?
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Katherine: I dunno
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Moss: *paints a robin* Hows this?
0 ups, 3y
Katherine: . . . as a professional I have MANY things to say but it's not bad
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Moss: Do you have any food? Im starving!
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Katherine: Yes, what sound good to you?
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Moss: Anything at this point
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Katherine: You like chicken?
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Moss: Yesssssssss
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Katherine: Ok, I have some left over
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Moss: Sweet!
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Katherine: *gives it to him* There you are!
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Moss: *eats* thank you!
0 ups, 3y
Katherine: If course! Make yourself at home!
0 ups, 2y,
1 reply
Moss: heh, can’t say I relate
0 ups, 2y,
1 reply
Katherine: *smiles* Well, I've got some work to get done, feel free to roam around
0 ups, 2y,
1 reply
Moss: will do! 👍
0 ups, 2y,
1 reply
Katherine: *smiles and goes upstairs*
0 ups, 2y,
1 reply
Moss: *lays down on the couch*
0 ups, 2y,
1 reply
-music comes from upstairs again*
0 ups, 2y,
1 reply
Moss: *he dozes off to the music*
0 ups, 2y,
1 reply
-an hour later there is yelling from upstairs -
0 ups, 2y,
1 reply
Moss: *wakes up and runs upstairs* is everything alright?
0 ups, 2y
-Katherine is arguing with someone on the phone and doesn't take notice of him-
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Moss: *sticks hand out through a small crack in the door*
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Katherine: *gives.the clothes*
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Moss: Thank you *takes clothes*
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Katherine: Mhm!
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Moss: *puts the on and walks out*
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Katherine: Cool!
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Moss: Do you have scissors? I may need to trim my hair
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Katherine: Trim your hair?
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Moss: yeah, its grown so long its starting to get in my eyes
0 ups, 3y
Katherine: ok! *gives her scissors*
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Moss: can I- watch you paint? If you don’t mind
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Katherine: Of course not!
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Moss: *sits on a spare chair and watches intently*
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Katherine: *keeps painting, adding more detail you thought was possible*
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Moss: how in the world do you do that?
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Katherine: years of practice
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Moss: how many years have you been painting?
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Katherine: Profetionally or straight up?
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
Moss: I guess professionally
0 ups, 3y
Katherine: About 8 I guess
0 ups, 2y,
1 reply
Moss: *waits*
0 ups, 2y,
1 reply
Katherine: *comes back with the game* Ready to lose?
0 ups, 2y,
1 reply
Moss: Yes! I mean, no... wait huh? *confusion of what he just said*
0 ups, 2y,
1 reply
Katherine: *smirks* Rookie mistake
0 ups, 2y,
1 reply
Moss: Lets do this thing
0 ups, 2y,
1 reply
Katherine: *sets it up* You go first
0 ups, 2y,
1 reply
Moss: *picks a card*
0 ups, 2y,
1 reply
Katherine: What's it say?
0 ups, 2y,
1 reply
Moss: Its a revolver?
0 ups, 2y
Katherine: Pew pew pew pew
0 ups, 2y,
1 reply
Moss: REALLY?!
0 ups, 2y,
1 reply
Katherine: Yes, I should really starts on dinner now, I could use a little helper in there
0 ups, 2y,
1 reply
Moss: Im not the best cook, but ill try!
0 ups, 2y,
1 reply
Katherine: To the kitchen! *starts walking*
0 ups, 2y
Moss: *follows her into the kitchen* where do we start?
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