(read desc if you can't read my long ass rant which you probably can't, somehow that rhymed but srs go look at desc to understand wtf im saying); we should be able to add roles in streams, like discord, and rename currently added roles
like, "OWNER" being changed to "we shouldn't have this power" and "MOD" being changed to "a moderator who's actually a toaster in disguise", and make a new role that's supposed to be like all the members(people who've followed the stream) and the role's named "help the others have more power than us"
role idea probs not gonna get added tho cuz slurs and hate could be put in the role names, and its not like the mods can just take a look at the role rename/name idea and decide if it'll be approved or not, the user who made the role name will be notified if it's been approved or not, cuz like as far as i know imgflip's a smol website full of toxicity, cringe, weird people, nice people, and other shit and there's like only two/three people who work fur imgflip, idek, also it takes a L O T of coding to do this(i know this cuz i took an online minecraft coding class fur a year when i was 9 and srs i dropped out of it after i finished coding in an axe that looked like a blue and red eraser that shoots fireballs because i found coding too hard to do even though the coding was pretty easy it just took a lot of patience and i have like none so yeah), and we're already requesting a L O T of shit and even though i think most of them are good ideas they would take a lot of coding and time and debugging and testing, doing everything(ok not everything, but the reasonable shit like add images in memechat and adding community tabs and chat tabs in streams, NOT reasonable shit is mainly the shit mariothememer posts, like him asking to have underage people stop posting in the gaming stream, cuz like most of imgflip is full of underage people and if we got rid of them imgflip would basically be dead) we ask SO much from them, it took me 7 full months just to make that S T O O P I D axe, be patient you bitches imgflip might be making the feature anyway it just takes a L O N G time. anyway, my fingers are beginning to hurt from all this typing, so...