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WHAT IS THE HARE KRISHNA BRANCH OF BUDDHISM ALL ABOUT? [4 of 4] Unfortunately, Buddhism’s Hare Krishna branch, with its Hindu belief that followers must go through a guru to reach their millions of gods (and that the guru is a god), are setting people up to accept a future leader of the one world religion: the False Prophet. This evil religious leader (teacher, or guru) will recommend that everyone follow and eventually worship the Antichrist. During the soon-arriving Seven-Year Tribulation that will involve the wrath of God being poured out against a sinful, rebellious world, the Antichrist (“The Christ,” in New Age lingo) will go into what will be the recently rebuilt Jewish temple, and declare himself to be God. Again, prior to all this, the guru-like False Prophet—a religious leader that will have gotten the world’s unbiblical faiths to band together— will lead the masses straight into the hands of the Antichrist. A strong candidate to have their followers join in, doing as they are told, is ISKCON (The International Society for Krishna Consciousness), a Hare Krishna organization founded in 1966 by a guru in New York City. ISKCON puts its members into a communal setting, where intricate rules have been established so that all their follower’s discussions and the rest of their day-to-day lives are deliberately centered around Krishna—no other thoughts are permitted. So, they’ve created communes that are mental prisons, not allowing residents to think outside the box. They are told they cannot do anything correctly when it is done outside the Krishna religion. They get sucked in, and are then isolated from outside influences. It’s exactly what cults do.