DON’T ALL FAITHS LEAD TO HEAVEN? [3 of 3] Catholicism creates a challenge for us Bible-believing Christians who try witnessing to their followers: Catholics claim to revere the Bible, even though it is not their ultimate source of truth and authority. Instead, Catholic leadership also esteems the teachings from fallible and even greatly flawed Catholic men throughout history, holding those guys as equal—and often even more reliable—than the Bible. Writings from the popes, church councils, and church fathers are three-fourths of Catholicism’s sources of “truth.”; But these were just ideas and beliefs from average humans who make mistakes, which is why Catholicism puts out so much false teaching; their source of ultimate truth is not the Bible. When pushed to decide on discrepancies between Catholic teachings and the Bible, the organization’s leadership has often sided with man over God’s Word in the Bible. The Creator of all things and the Author of truth ends up taking a back seat to the teachings of Catholic men,
and this reverence for manmade beliefs is what has tragically happened
in countless false faiths and cults throughout history.