DON’T ALL FAITHS LEAD TO HEAVEN? [1 of 3] Scripture says our world lies under the power and sway of the evil one, Satan, and the Bible’s book of Acts (chapter 2) is where we see Christ’s Church born—which is when the devil was defeated—praise God! Though Lucifer knows this, he’s so stinking evil that he has continued his deceptions for the two centuries since Jesus’ victory. The devil dupes as many humans as he can, so that we people, who are made in God’s image, will join Satan for an eternity of judgement in the Lake of Fire. His main despicable tactic is setting up false faiths by polluting God’s Word in the Bible, getting us away from it, twisting it, cutting from it, pasting into it, and anything else he can do to corrupt truth. He wants us to believe anything and everything, as long as it is not the honest Word of God. Over two centuries, that process has led to countless pseudo-Christian groups like false world religions and cults, as well as other cults and pagan occult groups; so many deceptive beliefs that the average person today can’t imagine God would only save those on the narrow road of Christianity.
But that just reflects how well Satan has done, which makes sense because
he’s not only smart, he’s had six thousand years to study us.