I know, I made that point in what I wrote ("Additionally, it'd simply be impossible for *everybody* to be gay. There are pansexuals, bisexuals, and straights, too, no matter what."). And, yeah, it really is disgusting. They don't even care about other people's feelings, as just because *they* want to have kids, they want everyone *else* to have kids, too. It's completely absurd. And then, that leads to hate against asexuals, which is just f**king ridiculous, because "oh, there's something wrong with asexuals for not wanting to have sex!!! And sex is a human neeeed!!!!!!". It's like, uh, no- If you're *really* getting upset over the choice of somebody's else want to have sex or not, then *you're* the problem. Besides, sex is far from a human need. Just because "OoOOoOh, tHE BiBle SAys tHat gOD wanTS uS To cONtInUE tHe BlOOdLiNE!!!!", doesn't mean shit. It's 2021, not f**king 1843. It's like, grow the f**k up already, you know?