An eternity from this present date, before humans, before Earth, before planets, when Creation was young, there lived a venerable race of humanoid Mammals. These humanoids, Katarians, were different from humans today. These organisms were lanky, gaunt, and slightly robust. They were devoid of any hair or fur and had dark grey pigmented skin.
In a civilization on the planet Kataria, in the village of Kelzin, a Child was born. This child however, was different. It may have had grey pigment and its overall hairlessness, it was featureless. The child was tall and broad, standing over 5 feet tall at birth. It was lacking eyes, a nose, genitals, and even its hands and feet. The child instead of having arms and legs, had four tentacles, two on the upper torso, and two on the sides of the waist. Its mouth was several times larger than the average Katarian. The mouth had an elongated piece of flesh on the left side of the mouth that stretched as the jaw opened. It had spikes that virtually covered its entire body and two horns that rested at the top of its head. Instead of having legs at the bottom of the waist, they were seemingly replaced with two antennae that sense vibration. This... Monster... was not Katarian.