Inazuma; Human; None/doesn’t have one yet; He/him; Straight; 15; Mostly action; He met zenitsu while on a mission one day and then both having the thunder stance they got along and became friends; All demons except for nezuko; Demons that get in his way and when someone beats him in a game especially if they cheat; Ramen, playing games, doing stuff with friends, and helping the demon slayer corps; He can’t take many hits and it’s harder for him to fight multiple things at once; He is one of the fastest swordsman around and has fast reflexes; Mastered 3 of the 6 stances for thunder breathing; Demon slayer corps; His older brother joined the demon slayer corps when inazuma was at a young age one day after a mission his brother was killed by one of the upper 5 demons and Inazuma swore to get revenge for his fallen brother; Has met Zenitsu and the others and isn’t completely fond of nezuko yet; You get partnered up with him in a mission to slay a demon