Lore: He was never a good trainer, not the best at the quick thinking or good use of moves, his brother, was the opposite, an talented trainer, so he continued to go to school, and when he had finished high school, he caught wind of team rocket, a way to get money easily, so when he joined, he was just a grunt that poached wild pokemon, not trainers, but when they were going to raid a pokemon center, and he was supposed to go along, but he found this too much for him, so he distanced himself from the group, as they gained more power, they came up with a way to get back at him, with his parents, if not to kill them tocause some harm, his brother was staying with his parents luckily when they struck, so they were not too sevearly harmed, but when his parents found out he was once apart of a criminal organization, they were not happy, so they dont have the best relation, he realized its his fault, but has not been able to repair the relationship with his parents, but he could with his brother, he currently works as a line reparier, reparing electrical power lines, this isnt his favorite jobk but he is unsure if he left, if he could do anything else
Other: He hates goldeen and seaking, due to when he was 7, his family went on vacation to alola, when he was swimming, he found a goldeen and swam toward it, but a seaking defended it by impaling the side of his arm, not toooo deep, but this was enough, he has since been fine
Team: Guavantula, mismagius, and magneton