Oz: there was a family that toke me in and that that i was happy forever. no things went downhill from there and it still feels like my fault and i could have saved but was too late and still hunts me to this day if i could back in time to save them i would have .
OZ; V-22B; None; Male; Straight; 20; If he likes it you got him; Other war vehicles; Well he if he doesn’t like you you’re on his sh*t list; RPGS; His under belly M134 “mini gun ”; an action term that if it happens the vehicle drops big time to the ground; VTOL; An M134,a rear mounted M2 browning machine gun; The war vehicles; The war vehicle lore; He is lonely and misses his family (who are all deceased ); You see him in a parking lot crying and listing to BAD WOLVES Zombies. WDYD?