A little background knowledge for this rp. This is based off of an AI Dungeon role play I’ve done that has yet to be finished. This will probably be used or referenced in the rp, so I hope you’re mindful of that.
After finding your way in a small town, that seems generally big to you, you decide to walk around. There’s crowds of people that barely seem to notice you, given your size. You try to make sure you aren’t trampled, and end up walking yourself into a small shop. You can’t reach anything, and can’t really do anything. You decide to sit down, given that you where running and walking for a while. You fall asleep, and after a while, you feel yourself being lifted. Probably just a part of your dream. You wake up, and you’re in a cage. You don’t know how you got here, but you’re here. You shake the cage a bit in case it flings open, and you look around. You see a cage door swing open, and two figures jump out. You keep shaking the cage, hoping it opens. Someone your size in an oversized coat hops on the table, and tries to undo the lock for you. You’re confused, but thankful the cage is unlocked. He waves hi to you. He has hair covering his face, and black pants with black shoes.