Crimson Rouge; [IMAGE NOT AVAILABLE /ATLAS CORPORATION BUG DETECTED^&*(^&*^*^]; Human; Male; None; Straight; 17; Whoever he is got bounty against and or unfinished business; SENTINEL SPEC OPs; ATLAS CORPORATION; Not knowing his pedants; His exoskeleton and his A.S.T suit that he stole from his bosses armory; He is very much human but not nor mal; His will to live and knowledge of most ATlAS BIO WEAPONS and a immunity to the manticore virus; AW; Can use a grapple hook ,magnetic gloves ,sonic blast,stim,overdrive,riot shield, and assault drone. Plus a hidden one that i shall soon revel his parents; Wears a crimson sweater and a hi tech operative helmet and exoskeleton here below + ast suit; All lore will be revealed in due time; Coming soon to a stream near you!