NAME? The apostle John said this in 3 John 1:9: “I wrote something to the Church, but Diotrephes, who loves to be first among them, will not accept our instruction.” Some in the Church today like to say, "Hey, you shouldn't call people out by name.” In fact, it is something I have personally gotten flak for, but I always wonder what Bible those accusers are reading. As a shepherd doing so in love for the Church, I like to be blunt, NOT skirting the issue with something like, "Hey Church, there's a really bad guy out there teaching a false, works-based doctrine that is leading people straight to hell, but I can’t warn you about who he is, so you’ll
just have to hopefully discover him for yourselves. Good luck!”; That would be terrible! Out of love, we need to warn others to stay clear of those sorts of people, and do so by name instead of making people guess. Just as Jesus and the Apostle John did, I will be specific and mention names. In the passage above, John has no problem calling out Diotrephes by name, and Jesus did the same in Matthew 23, where the whole chapter is Jesus using harsh language to publicly berating the Pharisees. Paul does the same with Hymenaeus and Alexander when he called them out by name. The idea that we should not lovingly warn others by pinpointing specific
people is a lie perpetrated by false teachers. It is their way
to try silencing biblical Christians so the rats can continue
spreading cancer through the Christ’s Church.